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Open Letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi Hari Om writes open letter to PM Modi, asks 11 questions | | | Respected Narendra Modi, Namaskar! Disturbing devel opments which unfolded after you met with Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti on March 22 at your official residence to break the impasse over government formation in Jammu and Kashmir and (in the words of Ms Mufti herself) extended your "unconditional support" to what she and her party had been striving to achieve since 1999 have led the already abandoned nationalists in the sensitive border State, especially in Jammu and Ladakh, to believe that some insidious influence is at work to defeat the great object the founder of Jan Sangh, Dr Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, and other patriots and throw in the lot of the nearly 50 lakh Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs with the Pakistan-backed Kashmir-based fanatics and votaries of "Nizam-e-Mustafa". They have come to believe that there is some kind of hidden unholy alliance against the minorities of Jammu and Kashmir and the nation as a whole between certain elements in New Delhi and the hostile nations like Pakistan and United States. The objective behind this hidden alliance, they believe, to is ensure a compromise on the age-old national stand on Jammu and Kashmir and appease the votaries of pernicious two-nation concept or those in Pakistan and Kashmir who consider Jammu and Kashmir "an unfinished agenda of partition". Their belief has stemmed from some highly objectionable statements made by many BJP national spokespersons and RSS ideologues, who have on occasions more than one stated while participating in TV debates that "it would not be politically prudent to treat Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh like other states of the Union". This was never the approach of martyrs like Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee. They were for the complete integration of the state into India and they laid down their precious lives for the national cause in the state. Mr Prime Minister, you and your advisors may not appreciate the belief of the nationalists in Jammu and Kashmir. You may say that they are making mountains out of a molehill. You may say that their belief is unfounded. But the fact is that the alarmed, disturbed and frightened minorities in the state do believe that their very existence in the state is at stake. It is this issue of a great national import that needs to be addressed at the earliest so that a right message goes that New Delhi under your leadership means serious business in the state and those striving to achieve for the state Azadi or autonomy or self-rule or Pakistan on purely religious and sectarian grounds will be brought to justice and the state integrated into India completely and comprehensively. Mr. Prime Minister, I - apart from pointing out the fears of the nationalists, also take this opportunity to bring to your notice the pertinent questions the concerned nationalists in Jammu have been asking after March 22 because they want answers only from you and for right reasons. Only you could allay their fears and apprehensions as you are the executive head of our great nation, Bharat. Your single statement will be enough to inspire the nationalists in the militant and separatist-infested Jammu and Kashmir and puncture the balloon of radical elements in the Valley. The questions are: 1. Is it true that you accepted Mehbobba Mufti's condition that she will form government with the BJP only if she was reassured that she will have a freehand to achieve her late father's "larger purpose" goal or achieve for the state self-rule or achieve a regime under which New Delhi and Islamabad will enjoy equal sovereign powers in this part of the state? 2. Is it true that Mehbooba Mufti met with you at your instance to clinch the issue of government formation and that you accepted all of her terms and conditions? 3. Is it true that you "waited for her at Race Course Road, even delaying (your) scheduled departure for Jaisalmer, after interlocutors BJP president Amit Shah and general secretary Ram Madhav assured (you) that they had got Mehbooba to fall in line"? 4. Is it true that you accepted the advice of Jammu and Kashmir Governor that "a civilian government (should) take charge…sooner rather than later" and "before the capital shifts back to Srinagar in April"? 5. Is it true that "similar advice came from the army and security forces who are anticipating a summer of discontent in the Valley" and "who do not want to be in the direct line of fire and are believed to have pressed hard for a return to civilian rule as a buffer to insulate the army from any backlash"? 6. Is it true that the United States and Pakistani factors hastened the process of breaking the deadlock over the government formation in Jammu and Kashmir?" There is report to this effect and it reads: "The third factor is Modi's upcoming visit to Washington. He flies to the US capital on March 30 at the personal invitation of US President Barack Obama to attend the Nuclear Safety Summit. Obama has issued a similar invitation to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif" ( 7. Is it true that the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir NN Vohra ordered the army in Jammu and Kashmir to vacate such strategic lands as held by it adjoining the Campus of Jammu University, 212 acres of strategic land held by it at Tatoo Grounds, Srinagar, and 456.60 kanals of land at High Grounds, Anantnag, and the land held at lower Khurba Thang in Kargil at the behest of someone from New Delhi to prepare ground for the installation of Mehbooba Mufti-led coalition government? 8. Is it a fact that a "3-member high powered committee" has been constituted to identify the areas in the state from where the Armed Forces Special Powers Act could be withdrawn? 9. Is it a fact that "serious" moves are afoot in New Delhi to return NHPC-controlled and run Dul Hasti (Jammu) and Uri (Kashmir) power projects to the Jammu and Kashmir Government? 10. Is it true that Mehbooba Mufti will lead the government for the remaining term of almost five years and there will be no rotational chief minister to appreciate the Jammu sentiment and the Jammu mandate? 11. Is it a fact that the PDP will have maximum number of berths in the all-powerful cabinet and hold all those portfolios which it held during the late Mufti’s regime and the status of the BJP in the new government would be that of B-team? I sincerely believe that you would be kind enough to set the record straight by answering these questions. Your intervention is imperative to allay the fears of the nationalists in the state. It is imperative because they have started thinking in terms of quitting their homes and hearths like the Kashmiri Hindus did in January 1990 to escape their physical liquidation at the hands of the fanatics and save their honour, religion and culture. If they quit Jammu, the results would be disastrous for the entire nation; the nation would wither away. It is not an overstatement; it is a statement of fact. It was my duty towards the nation to bring to your notice what the nationalists in Jammu and Kashmir think and believe and I very honestly discharged that. I have no doubt that you would appreciate my attempt at bringing to your notice the true picture of facts. With respectful regards, Sincerely yours, Prof Hari Om |
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