Early Times Report
Jammu, Mar 31 : A socialists meet at youth hostel Nagrota Jammu was organized on the theme "Unity of secular & progressive forces, need of the hour" under the chairmanship of a Sheikh Ab Rehman Ex .MP, in presence of national convener of Dr Sunilam concluded here the meet was inaugurated with nationalism filled song sung by a social activist from Kolkata - Rita Chakar Varti Welcoming the participants, Kuldeep Singh said that so far in 13 States of India, more than 120 such meets have been organized so far since Aug 2014. The General Secretary of Rashtriya Seva Dal Jabbar Singh, addressing the meet said that the main theme of the organization is to unite the forces of socialistic back ground, leftists, followers of Gandhi thoughts & revolutionary minded elements in the country. The bold voice raised against land bill, suppression of right to speech in the educational institutions & justice to Rohil vemula, made the Government to soften its stand. National convector -Dr Sunilam while addressing the meet said that for the first time in free India we have a Govt, which is spreading religious fundamentalism & is entirely in favor of capitalism & marketism. The Govt has attacked the personal privacy of its citizens through UID '' Aadhar Card '' slapped on its subjects. |