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Expectations to first lady CM of J&K
4/7/2016 10:30:46 PM
Sunaina Malik
Jammu Kashmir is the solitary state of India, which is constituted of three socially, ethnically, demographically, religiously and conventionally diverse areas, in the form of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. City of Jammu consists of people, believing in Hindu philosophy. Kashmir valley is inhabited by the people having Muslim faith and people of Ladakh region, administered by Budhism in their lives. God has knitted the entire three prefectures into a single thread and presented a striking example of, unity in diversity, for the whole world. But to our bad luck, Jammu Kashmir, which is privileged as, heaven on earth, has been facing a dismayed face of terrorism for the past 65 years. Terrorism along with other political factors have rendered our state, at the losers position, in the contest of development, education, expertise and innovation. But our new coalition government of PDP and BJP has appeared as (Eid ka Chand) for each and every inhabitant of J&K. This alliance has filled the hearts of people of all the three regions of state with infinite number of hopes and aspirations. Following are some of main aspiration of a Aam Aadmi of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.
(1) A common man in all the cases would aspire for simply one thing and that is the reduction in inflation, so that he would be able to nosh the ravenous mouths of his family and would be able to, do some savings for the domicile, vigour and edification of his children.
(2)The second aspiration of a common man of J&K is generation of employment. Every year, the mesh of colleges and universities, across the state are producing, ample number of literate youth. This knowledgeable lot is wandering in the pursuit of jobs every where, but I am very apologetic to say that our prior government has put a greatest impediment in the way of employment by mounting retirement age by two years. As our resources of employment are restricted, so our new govt. should annul this two years augment in retirement age and should allocate more erudite and commendable youth to come in.
Maintenance of tranquility and communal harmony is also one of the aspirations of our common state subject. Srinagar being the capital of state during summer and Jammu, during winter and during this swing, we all have to share, the same markets, same roads, same public transport, same banks. This sharing is possible when communal harmony will be maintained. Our new government along with civil society should take every possible stride in the continuation of communal harmony, amongst the people of diverse faith
As labour is also a mode of earning. Today every common man of our state is aspiring for getting as much labor as they can but irony here is that, across the state we see, all the gigantic projects like construction of roads, big buildings and even houses are constructed by people from out of state. So our fresh government should look in to the matter. By providing day labour to people of J&K, Government can condense the lumber on employment.
Common man is also aspiring for maximum power supply in their homes particularly during winter, because it is very hard to pass life during chilling winter condition, with out electricity.
The only thing which the people of Kashmir valley would aspire, at this point of moment is the erection of brawny embankment along the sides of river Jehlum. Because kashmiri in no case would be able to face that appalled visage of flood once again. Flood victim across the state are wannabe for reimbursement of their loses, as soon as possible People of Jammu and ladakh are aspiring for the execution of their long pending yearning that is the equivalent allocation of funds amid all the three regions of state.
Common man of the state is also aspiring for the permanent adjustment of contractual employees because a man in no case can manage his family expenses in an amount of 3000 per month.
Common man is also looking ahead for the institution of three tier system in our state. Decentralization of powers can build up the infrastructure of our villages in a much better way. So we all appeal to the coalition govt. to step ahead for the establishment of 73rd amendment of Panchayati Raj Act.
Common man is also aspiring for the revival of all the awaiting projects, like Railway lines, power projects etc because he looks at this, as way of wages.
More over, for the first time, J&K has got a lady as a Chief minister so, on the behalf of all the Muslim women of J&K I also aspire that she should also create history by implying uniform civil code in J&K. This will act as a boon for millions of aggrieved Muslim women of J&K. For safety and security of women of J&K she should open a telephone line where Chief Minister herself listens to the problems of victim girls and housewives. She should make herself on line on telephone for only one hour in a day.
Last but not the least, we all aspire for jobs, which could be promising if our coalition ponders over the commercialization of fields like agriculture forestry and water resources, poultry and milk industry. When our state would be self sufficient in the production of eatables then and only than, we could utilize our state income for raising the life standard of natives across the state.
In the conclusion, I would like to say that, it is the right of every citizen to hope and anticipate from our elected government and it is the obligation of our government to accomplish our aspirations.
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