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PDD to out source meter installation to pvt company | | | Muhammad Mukaram
Early Times Report
SRINAGAR, Apr 7: As the government has failed to put curb on transmission and distribution losses, the Power Development Department has decided to outsource the installation of metering project to a private company and set up 2019 deadline besides proposed hike in power tariff for increase in revenue generation. J&K has around 50 percent T&D losses, the highest in the country. To reduce these losses, the PDD has projected installation of 1147723 meters from 2015 to 2019 in domestic and non-domestic categories of which 202374 have been installed during 2015-2016, and has projected installation of 252537 meters in 2016-2017, 344709 in 2017-2018 and 348103 in 2018-2019. The Department had earlier set up the target of 100 percent metering by 2014 and was later extended to 2015 after failing to meet the deadline. In its recent petition filed before the State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the PDD has said it had envisaged to meter all its consumers by the end of the FY 2015-16, but the pace of metering has been very slow during the last couple of years due to "resource constraints and some bottlenecks". "The JKPDD has revised the metering plan and now proposes to meter all the consumers by the end of 2018-19. Owing to repeated failure of tendering process, a parallel mechanism for procurement and installation of meters through a central government agency will also be put in place in addition to the procurement through tenders so that the metering process is expedited and completed within three years," the PDD petition says. A senior PDD official said the installation of meters was to reduce the pilferage of power in transmission and distribution (T&D) process. "The installation of metering would reduce the power pilferage and people will get 24-hour power supply. Once people will pay as per the usage of electricity, they will receive smooth electricity supply without any interruption," he said. The Power Development Department (PDD) has also proposed around 17 percent hike in power tariff for the fiscal year 2016-2017 in view of increasing revenue generation gap. In a petition, the PDD has said there shall be a revenue gap of Rs 3,572.14 crore for the FY 2016-17 at the existing tariff. "The annual requirement is Rs 6,384.34 crore of which Rs 2,812.21 shall be earned through the existing power tariff. So JKPDD proposed a tariff for additional revenue of Rs 506.52 crores which will increase the revenue generation to Rs 3318.73. The gap of Rs. 3065.62 crores shall be met through budgetary support from the Government of J&K," the PDD says. |
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