Early Times Report
Rajouri, Apr 7: Taking serious note of non-implanting of order for not providing petrol/diesel to two wheeler rider(riders) moving without helmets, District Magistrate Rajouri has directed Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) to implement the order in letter and spirit. According to spokesperson, after several tragic deaths of two wheeler rider/riders in road accidents especially those moving without helmets, the District magistrate, Shabir Ahmed Bhat, who also is District Magistrate, vide his office order No.JC/DMR/595 dt 4/3/2016 u/s 144 CrPC had directed the Petrol Pump owners/ employees not to issue petrol/ diesel to two wheeler rider/riders under the jurisdiction of Rajouri district as to avoid the loss of precious lives in case of road accidents." "However the order was neither implemented in letter and spirit either by the police or by the petrol pump owners/employees who were found violating the orders issued by the District Magistrate, official regretted. He said taking serious note of the matter District Magistrate, Shabir Ahmed Bhat under his office order No. JC/DMR/81-83 dt 6/4/2016 once again has requested SSP Rajouri to take necessary steps to implement the order effectively. |