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JFI supports nationalist forces for dumping JK Property Bill | | | Early Times Report JAMMU, July 1: Hailing the nation for its unflinching support to Jammu for India-launched full-scale campaign through social networking sites, especially, against the sinister Transfer of Property Bill (TPB), JFI convener Prof Hari Om today said that the JFI is committed to getting this Bill withdrawn as it is fraught with dangerous ramifications. "It was this campaign that forced BJP-led NDA Government at the Centre and BJP-PDP Government in J&K to send the pernicious TPB to the Select Committee on June 30. Had the BJP-PDP Government got this Bill passed, nation and its Jammu people would have suffered a grievous injury and helped the communal forces in the Valley to achieve their evil game plan," said Prof Hari Om, adding that our campaign got support from the nation, thus clearly suggesting that the times have changed and the nation knows how to defeat atrocious moves of the governments in the state and at the centre. "It was the fear of a popular revolt in Jammu that forced the BJP and the PDP to send the TPB to the Select Committee," asserted Prof Hari Om, and added that the circumstances under which the Union Government and the State Government decided not to introduce the Bill in the assembly was the JFI's first crowning triumph. The JFI convener asserted that had the TPB been passed into an Act, the children of daughters of J&K married outside J&K to non-state subjects would have been adversely impacted; industry in Jammu would have been crippled and Jammu youth denied job opportunities; non-state subjects would have been left with no other option but to withdraw from the state and not invest money in the region as the new laws would have barred them from getting land even on lease; would have hampered the security operations as the new laws would have created serious difficulties as far as allotment of land to the army and paramilitary forces in the region was concerned; would have helped the hostile forces further change demography of the region; would have converted J&K into virtually an independent entity on the soil of India and all other Indian nationals would have become aliens overnight in J&K; and so on. Prof Hari Om said that the situation in the state has turned extremely dangerous and added that it is the immediate fallout of the policies being pursued by the BJP-led NDA Government at the Centre. |
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