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CAG points-out irregularities in allotment of plots by HUDD | Recommendation of cancellation swept under carpet | | Saqib Junaid
Early Times Report Srinagar, July 21: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has pointed out huge discrepancies and irregularities in allotment of plots by the Housing and Urban Development department in the state. In its latest report, the CAG said the enquiry committee, appointed (January 2005) by the Jammu Development Authority for verification of genuineness of the allotees of plots of land in different housing colonies reported in March 2006 that 148 cases of allotments were in violation of norms. The committee had recommended cancellation of these allotments. "Instead of taking any action thereon, the BOD decided in April 2012 to constitute another committee under the chairmanship of principle secretary of the department to put up a proposal for resolving the issue. However no action was taken in the matter," the report states. Audit has noticed that instances of faulty allotment of plots of land to non-state subjects in violation of the JK Land Grants Act, handling over possession of allottees without execution of lease deeds and delayed action in cancellation of allotments for default in payment of premium etc, resulting in litigations and consequent blockade of properties at prime locations valuing Rs 146.96 crore. On being pointed out, the CAG said the government stated in June 2015, that land would be disposed of after settlement of cases. "The reply was not acceptable as adhocism and delayed action by the JDA had invited such litigations and further the authority had not taken sufficient steps towards legal remedy for retrieval of plots of land." To ensure transparency and adequate competition, a uniform procedure was required to be followed in allotment of commercial sites. However, audit check of records showed that the JDA had not followed a uniform procedure for allotment of commercial sites. The authority had not framed any policy in respect of leasing out land at concessional rates to social, religious, charitable trusts or institutions with reference to conditions for allotments and quantum of land. The audit noticed that in absence of policy, allotment of plots of land was made randomly on the basis of applications received. The JDA had allotted 867.90 kanals of land to seven societies/ trusts between September 2002 and December 2010 at varying concessional rates. Audit noticed that no mechanism for ensuring fulfillment of post allotment conditions of lease deeds existed. No follow up action was taken against the leases to rectify the lapses noticed in various cases. The JDA according to the audit report had not carried out measurement of plots of land at the time of allotment in favour of the allotees. |
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