Early Times Report JAMMU, Aug 2: A deputation of Consumers Welfare Association (CWA) called on Chief Engineer Planning and Design, Er. Som Raj Sharma to discuss and improve power distribution network in and around Jammu . CWA members including President ,Er. Vikram Gour and Vice President ,Er. BM Kohli expressed their anguish and anxiety over large scale damage reported due to recent heavy rains and wind storm to freshly erected poles. It is a serious matter of concern, due to poor supervision, bad workmanship, substandard material and faulty design said by them Out of 970 poles erected 59 have been damaged, the entire work has now been suspended. They further said, that now steel tubular poles capable of taking wind pressure of 75-kg/sq.ft have been redesigned to withstand 150 kg/sq.ft wind pressure and will be replaced with Steel joists , which is stated to be much safer for HVDS (HIGH voltage DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM). The Chief Engineer informed that the cost of restoration of all the damages is the responsibility of the IRCON (executing agency) since the project is on turnkey basis and no price escalation will be payable to the Executing Agency. |