Early Times Report
Jammu, Aug 10: Delhi Public School (DPS) Jammu recalled the 'Quit India Day' in a unique way. Classes IX & X penned down their expressions on the issue 'Quit India Movement became the Gateway of Freedom for India' while Classes XI & XII held group discussions on the above mentioned topic. It was an amazing experience to watch the future generations expressing their deep gratitude towards their erstwhile leaders as it is due to their sacrifices, struggles and efforts, they are living in free India. The students discussed on the various aspects of the movement, the joint contribution from all communities and the reason why it was called off. They also saluted the spirit of 'Mahatma' who had initiated the movement and spread it all over India, which eventually forced Britishers to QUIT INDIA. A similar need for joint efforts to sustain communal harmony in the state was also discussed by them. Principal, DPS Jammu, Ruchi Chabra, lauded the initiative taken by the senior students and the staff on such issues and appreciated the thoughts and expressions shared by them during discussions and in the write-up's. |