Early Times Report
Jammu, Nov 6: Punjabi Sahit Te Sabhyachar Kendra, Jammu organised a seminar on Guru Nanak Vichar Dhara Manvata Oa Parteek" to commemorate 548th Parkash Utsav of founder of Sikhism Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, here at Abhinav Theatre on Sunday. According to press release, Dr. FarooqAbdullah, Former Chief Minister, was chief guest on the occasion. Sardar T. S. Wazir, Ex-MLC, President, Puniabi Sahit Te Sabhyachar Kendra, Jammu and Chairman, State Gurdwara Parbandhak Board in his presidential address welcomed the dignitaries and stated that the purpose of organizing such events is to spread the message of humanity and to imbibe the spirit of service and humility among youth, as preached by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, appreciated the efforts of Punjabi Sahit Te Sabhyachar Kendra, Jammu under the leadership of Sardar T. S. Wazir to orqanise such a seminar by which the universal message of brotherhood of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji reaches to all sections of the society. Dr. Farooq Abdullah emphasised that everyone should follow the path of equality, fraternal love, goodness and virtue, shown by the Guru. Distinguished Sikh Scholars S. Harsimran Singh, Director Advanced Studies, SriAnandpur Sahib (Pb.) and S. Sukhjit Singh Kapurthala (Pb.), S.D.O. Religious PreacherlWriterwerethe main speakers. S. Sukhjit Singh speaking on the topic "Sarb Sanjiwalta De Rehbar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji" threw light on the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, that how in Guru Nanak's view Men's love of God was the criterion to judge whether person was good or bad, high or low. As the caste system was not based on divine love, he condemned it. Guru Nanak aimed at creating a casteless and classless society and insisted that every sikh house should serve ·as a place of love and devotion, a true guest house (Sach Dharamshala). |