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Why a reference to Jammu, Ladakh irk separatists?
PM, HM under attack
11/6/2016 10:54:20 PM
Early Times Report
JAMMU, Nov 6: Jammu and Ladakh are the two most ignored regions in the country and the complaints of the people of these two distinct regions are innumerable. One of their complaints is that the policy-planners in New Delhi and the so-called J&K experts have always ignored them and that if anything, they only do a lip service and throw all the eggs in the Kashmiri basket. They had some hope in the BJP but the BJP has exposed its duplicity. It has ditched them more than any political party, even the NC and the PDP, essentially the Kashmiri parties.
However, a few days ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh surprised many when they referred to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh at the same time. It was this approach of the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister which has stung the vested interests in Kashmir and their lackeys or paid agents. They have not taken this approach lightly. In fact, they have been trying to make the Kashmiris understand that both the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister have been referring to Jammu and Ladakh only to defeat Kashmir and implement the RSS-BJP agenda in Kashmir.
They express their dismay over the approach of the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister in this way: "The country's Home Minister, Rajnath Singh has repeatedly maintained that those who do not fall in line must take the consequences. Jammu and Kashmir both Rajnath and his boss, Prime Minister Modi make it a point, each time the name of the State comes up, to mention that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India adding in the same breath that the former princely State comprises three distinct entities , each with aspirations peculiar to it. It has also become mandatory it seems to specify Jammu, predominantly, Ladakh predominantly and, of course, the Valley predominantly. This is not the right approach. J&K has three regions and all must be treated equally and with equal respect. To ignore one region or two regions to appease the third region would mean that Jammu and Ladakh are just colonies of Kashmir. This type of politics has already embittered the inter-regional and inter-communal relations and posed a very threat to the unity and integrity of the state. Those in Kashmir who want to keep J&K intact have to change their whole attitude. They have not only to give their separatist slogans but also have to discard their age-old anti-Jammu and anti-Ladakh approach. This will be in their interest, in the interest of the entire state and in the larger interest of the country.
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