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Government amends financial powers for allotment of public works
11/7/2016 11:07:07 PM
Early Times Report
JAMMU, Nov 7: In order to speed up the process of allotment and execution of works, the Government today ordered the delegation of financial powers for individual works to different officers and committees of Public Works Department.
According to a Government order issued today, contract committee has been given full powers in allotment of works where as the Departmental contract committee has been authorized to grant contracts upto Rs 20 crore in respect of which administrative approval has already been accorded.
Accordingly, the order said, Chief Engineer can grant contracts for works upto Rs. 10 crore, District Superintending Engineers upto Rs 05.00 crore, Superintending Engineers upto Rs 05.00 crore and Executive Engineers can accord sanction works upto Rs one crore.
The order reads that in a situations where the lowest rates offered are not considered reasonable by the officer, he/she should negotiate with the lowest tenderer and allot work at rate considered reasonable and in case the tenderer does not reduce the rates, the next higher authority should negotiate with the next higher tenderer on the acceptance of a reasonable rate by him failing which the authority may order fresh tenders.
The order further states that, in case of allotment of contracts on negotiation basis, orders for allotment should be issued by the officer conducting the negotiations.
In the case allotment of contract to a contractor other than the lowest tenderer the allotment shall be decided by the contract committee upto financial limit of Rs 10.00 lacs and beyond that should be refereed to Government along with recommendations of the said committee, the order states.
Further clarifying the new amendment, the order states that in case of single tender for work, the acceptance thereof shall be within the competence of the next higher authority provided the rates are considered to be reasonable by the competent authority.
The order also reads that if a contract duly allotted is required to be cancelled the same shall be done by the next higher authority.
The departmental contract committee for the purpose shall include concerned Development Commissioner, Chief Engineer of the concerned department, Chief Engineer (Mech) for such works as involve purchase of mechanical equipments, Chief Engineer of Inspections, Quality control and design, Director Finance/ Financial Advisor of the concerned department, representative from Industries& Commerce department not below the rank of Additional Secretary.
The next higher authority in case of single tender cases shall be Superintending Engineer for Executive Engineer, Chief Engineer for the Superintending Engineer and Departmental Contract Committee as next higher authority for the Chief Engineer and Contract Committee for the Departmental Contract Committee while as concerned Administrative Department shall be next higher authority for contract committee.
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