G S Asgotra Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 8: Government Degree College Doda is functioning without permanent faculty members since its establishment, as 10 departments out of 17 run on adhoc basis. Source in college informed Early Times that the Higher Education Department had sanctioned 30 posts of Assistant Professors, one each post of Chief Librarian and Assistant Librarian and two posts each of Senior Assistant and Junior Assistant for the college. "But ironically, the department has failed to provide permanent faculty to the college so far, as 23 posts of Assistant Professors and two posts of Librarian are still vacant." Sources further said that out of 17 departments, 10 including Botany, Urdu, History, BCA, Sociology, Education, Persian, Arabic, Environmental Science and Political Science departments have been running without permanent faculty members for last many years. The Higher Education Department seems reluctant to fill the vacant posts, said sources. "The remaining departments have only one permanent faculty member, who is also the Head of Department, whereas the academic class work is being conducted by teachers, engaged on temporary arrangement basis", sources added. Since 2007, they said, the post of Chief Librarian and Librarian has been lying vacant. The college has a big central library which is automated but run by lower rung officials. It is pertinent to mention here that students and civil society of Doda have repeatedly apprised the Higher Education Department of the problems by staging protests. "But nothing has been done by the government so far which show step motherly treatment to mountainous districts of Pir Panchal region," a local teacher said requesting anonymity. "Everyone know semester is near to close and examination is scheduled to be held in end of November. The students are suffering due to non-completion of syllabus," said another teacher, adding that if the college had a permanent faculty, the scene would have been different. The teacher further said that since 1989, when the college was established, it is yet to get the basic infrastructure in terms of manpower and other facilities which are enjoyed by the colleges of Jammu. |