Male posted as SHO of women PS
Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 28: In a sheer act of discrimination, PHQ has been following different rules while ordering the transfers and postings of the male and female officers of JKAP. As per a PHQ order, no JKAP officer is allowed to be posted in executive police, especially as SHOs of police stations or heads of police posts. When this order was issued and implemented a few years back, several male JKAP Inspectors, who were that time serving as SHOs of some police stations here, were sent back to their original places of posting in Bns. "However, there is another set of rules in this regard for women police officers of JKAP. Of the four women police stations in Jammu region, three are headed by JKAP's women officers, including an Inspector and two SIs, and one by a male officer," sources informed. Though there was no dearth of women police officers in executive police, PHQ preferred to post JKAP officers as heads of women police stations because all of them were well connected, sources alleged. "It is surprising to note that JKAP's female officers are heading the three women police stations at a time when the women officers of executive police are posted as SHOs, PP heads and IOs in other police stations," sources said. "JKAP's female officers are heading the women police stations in Jammu, Kathua and Rajouri, but a male officer is heading the woman police station at Udhampur despite the fact that only women-related matters are reported at the police station. |