Early Times Report JAMMU, Dec 18: Core Committee of 'AMCCC' on behalf of K.P.'s / Minorities / Migrants addressed press conference regarding the future Action Plan of our organization regarding KP's / Migrants of our State. The main issues which were highlighted included Kashmiri Migrants / Minorities are loosing Rs 5,000 Crore / year on Account of Loss of Horticulture products e.g. apple, walnuts, Encroachment of Orchids / Land / Tempering of Records, Balance ex-gratia of our Houses since 1990, Why Parliament was not disrupt for a single day by pseudo-secular leaders & M.P.'s during last 27 years to discuss the problems of Kashmiri Pandits? Why discrimination with K.P.'s / Minorities by State Govt. & their Bureaucrats? Rligging of Elections in 1987 is the main root cause of militancy in Kashmir & migration of K.P.'s, If Farooq demands 1953 position then is he aware of the fact that all the land will be given back to Kashmiri Pandita / Sikhs / Minorities which was taken from these people under Zaira-islah Act (Land to tiller) which was injustice with whole of the minorities of the State. They further said that if their demands are not fulfilled committee will launch a big agitation, now time has come to show that K.P.'s are a powerful community and our community People know how to fight for their own cause. They demanded that instead of KAS JKAS (Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Services) should be used as it is State of Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh not of Kashmir. AMCCC condemned the talk with Pakistan. Meanwhile, the Core Committee of AMCCC was also constituted on the occasion included Desh Rattan Pandita as President, RL Sharma as Vice President, BL Koul as Vice Chairman, Kevee as Youth Incharge, Monmohan Kanth as organizer, Bittu Ji Bhat Spokesperson, Ashok Sharma, Daljeet Singh and Roop Krishan as senior leaders, KS Bedi as stage secretary, ML Pandita, Master Tej krishan, Chaman Lal Raina as senior leaders. |