Early Times Report
Jammu, Dec18: In bid to bring awareness among common mass, a series of nukkad plays are being staged at different areas to educate people against bad evils which push them into litigation unnecessarily turning into poverty. This play is concived , written,and directed by noted writer,social activist Rampaul dogra. This dogri nukkad play LADAI NI KARNI staged on behalf of NGO social econonic evironament devlopmemt society (SEEDS) at village Gore chack, samba under chairmanship of k c kundan . The story is based on factual situation of three characters. As one day oldman dhaani ram was watering his piece of land in the morning as per turn but prema who is young one of 25 years, a farmer appeard in the field and forcibly diverted canal water towards his own field. The play ends with good message that we all need to live with love, respect and mutually. Those acted were Rampaul dogra, jinda, gulsan, kaka,rinku, and others. The play appreciated by all present at there. |