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Auction posts ; Legalize Corruption
Bhushan Parimoo12/18/2016 10:42:04 PM
Not days , months but years have passed by now. There is nothing to write home about. Assurances from the top of the world given by Narender Bai to the country men .Naa Khanooun Gaa Naa Khaaneey Dooungaa,( neither i will indulge in corrupt practices nor will allow others do indulge in to). It echoed the world over .Still continue ringing in the ears of every countrymen. Hoping against hope to have it going. World is watching and waiting with finger crossed. Corruption goes on unabated.Not an iota of sign is seen or felt of its being contained .
Nothing changed every day passing day scenario gets murkier and murkier. it is one of the usual rhetoric from a politician. Just for public consumption Not meant to implement. And it was not first time in the history of independent India such words were uttered .
Nehru,Indira ji , Rajiv Gandhi etc .Indeed every Tom, Dick and Harry in Indian politics used to mislead . Election needs money, which comes from corrupt practices.Cannot be cured even contained, As such has to endured Where Our Netas of every hue and color, ideology, failed A Senior Freedom fighter now in his ninetees , from our state, propounded a way out forty years back.Still did not lost the sheen.
Bansilal Kohistani, proposed a bail out in 1970 .As a Parliamentary Secretary then in the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Corruption be Legalized, government posts auctioned (Reshwat Jaayeez Kaar Dee Jaayee aur Audaah Leelaam Keeyaay Jaanyee,), This was carried by Chand Urdu newspaper from Jammu published byNarsingh Dayal He rationale that it makes no sense, to accord a salaried position ,and give opportunity to make money as grafts Instead auction posts to a highest bidder .Ask him earn over and above the auction according to his capability Thus Government shall not be a loser.Its coffers will be over flowing. He had a valid point as prosecution rate is at baseline.
It took everybody to surprise then. Those were the days taking graft was disdained and frowned upon, rare, and at base line .As such graft used to be an exceptional event .Days were of principles God fearing Humanity and compassion was order of tahe day Service rendering was taken as Dharma Often referred to Harish chandras.Kohistani sahib must had in his mind the theory that don't criticize sin but legalize it.An impeccable God fearing junior level official in vigilance wing in General Administration Department in the Secretarial, once opined that Vigilance department is nothing but to legalize corruption. Sheer waste of time, waste of money .Permission to prosecute rarely given . And if forced to give, years passed by.Which provides adequate time ,to intimidate complainant .or make machinery run in the favour.. Thousand of cases are pending with the State Vigilance Department,Delay prolong investigation become Milking cows for SVO to milk Officers booked in vigilance cases are enjoying prize postings conviction rate is at base line, Vigilance agencies have proved an instrument to legalize the corruption,. officer in the vigilance wing of general Department once confided that wing is to legalize the corruption as ,prosecution fails ,to prove on consideration, assets get thus legalized.
A Whistle blower is harassed and influenced. Moreover past track record shows lower rung of officials are booked. Jammu and Kashmir is on second position in corrupt practices Known for acting as mute spectator to whopping financial irregularities financial indiscipline,
Soon there after country was aghast with the findings of Justice K.N.Wanchoo . That county is infested by pumping in of gotten money .in a parallel economy which harm the growth of India unaccounted income, black income dirty income, black wealth, underground wealth, black economy,parallel economy, Shadow economy, and underground or unofficial He was appointed Chairman Inquiry committee Committee in March 1970 by the President of India .To look into The Direct Taxes,
Nehru was not corrupt His compulsion to be in Power made soft to corruption around him.
,Krishana Menon , Sardar Kairon .Mehtab, and others made to go Scott free. Even Indra Gandhi justified the corruption as a phenomena , expressing corruption India may be more than France but less than many countries, It was first time admission to justify corruption in the country by none other than its Prime Minister LateGulzari Lal Nanda twice interim Prime Minister , went abruptly in oblivion, refused to fight elections.
Years located by a media person , on a bench at New Delhi railway station waiting for train to Faridabad, recognized him and asked reason for his abrupt retirement from politics , he replied that he wanted to restrict spending during election within limits prescribed by Election Commissioner, in charge election of the party showed inability, Nanda shaib said as Gandhian, one should be truthful, and refused to fight election.
License Raj evolved and thrived scuttled in string free, development despite resources expertise, Sardar Man Mohan Singh is the latest example , his failure to come up from the whirlpool of corruption, despite he himself has been above board. The well nit corruption web entangles every one despite unwillingness. Lust for power, sticking to chair by hook or crook , power of muscle and money took center stage And proved a decisive factor for romp home Recent example Modi ji accepted Suit piece worth rupees ten laks,
Here in the State of jammu and Kashmir,Bakshi Ghulam Mohamed, became notorious for his corruption, but history proves him to be just victim of adversaries , Corruption was at low key during the reign of G.M. Sadiq had a clean image and never interfered in the administrative apparatus, Shamasudin did gave oath to employees not to accept corruption,
This was earlier than Sheikh Mohd Abdullah who had warned on taking reign of the government in 1975 when he warned the employees of Yoou Maay Heesab , AaGayaHai, in his first address to the people was to givecorruption free administration, it created a fear psychosis in the mind of employees meeting places such as coffee house Srinagar, Cosmo , Premier Bar Jammu etc, usual meeting places for transaction wore deserted look all rebounded with intensity within weeks and everything went on bid right from admission in Professional colleges, posting even engaging daily wagers, Slowly but steadily rot started to creep in through politicians.Percentage became 100 % no work but full drawl. .
To silence public out cry for rising corruption in country Government constituted a committee . Headed by N.N.Vohra then secretary Home Affairs to Government of India, Known as the Vohra committee .It was asked study the problem of the criminalization of politics and of the nexus among criminals, politicians and bureaucrats in India.He submitted the report in October 1993 observed that the nexus between the criminal gangs, police, bureaucracy and politicians The money power is used to develop a network of muscle-power.Observed which is also used by the politicians during elections." It studied the problem of the criminalization of politics and of the nexus among criminals, politicians and bureaucrats in India. n 1997, the Supreme Court recommended the appointment of a high level committee to ensure in-depth investigation into the findings of the N N Vohra Committee and to secure prosecution of those involved.
And nothing heard there after. N.N Vohra ,The Governor of j&k State when at the helm of affairs took proved a catalytic agent for corruption by non performance.As such better way is Auction posts; Legalize Corruption.The early it is done better ot is.It will be the finest gift to the public.
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