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India-Pakistan CBM’s | | | DR. P.P SINGH SUDAN
Confidence building measures between two nuclear nations India and Pakistan have so far been far reaching effect and in often presenting themselves as emotional out bursts of their public sentiments be it positive or negative 2ndly Indo-Pak military engagements and threat perception have been far more regular and real and therefore, are of far greater compelling factor in the evolution of Indo-Pak CBMs. Thirdly Pakistani intrusion in the kargil sector of India's Jammu and Kashmir site took place in the very back ground of Lahore submit of February 1999 and finally, the most important factor to be kept in mind while examining the Indo-Pak CBMs remains their historical legacies of Partition of India and later the dismemberment of Pakistan and Creation of a new state of Bangladesh with India's active encouragement. South Asian states share similar problems about disputed borders, over- lapping ethenic religious and cultural affinity with India. So CBMs with south asian states was an easy task than the task of building CBMs with Pakistan. For example India had in the past and even now tried to sort of difficulties at bilateral level, Islamabad has repeatedly tried to internationalize Indo-Pak problems. Similarly , while India has been extremely sensitive to the Sino-Pak-Ties especially of china`s alleged involvement in Pakistan nuclear and missile programmes. As regards the track records of Indo-Pak initiatives, despite the fact the very idea of Pakistan had found negative response from some quarter of the Indian power elite and that the two have since fought the four wars, the evolution of Indo-Pak CBMs was greatly facilitated by the very fact of the largely peaceful transition of power from the British secondly, the India national congress leaderships acceptance to ensure a smooth partition of India into two dominions states had also created avenues for Indo-Pak positive interaction at least after some time in fact, the first example of Indo-Pak CBMs was in built in the very working of the joint Defence council during 1946-48 itself it tried to partition stores, equipments and man power of British India armed forces as also its other Economic assests between the two dominions of India and Pakistan even during their first war in 1948, there are number of examples how mutual chemistry of field commanders from both sides (who had worked together until 1947) often helped in sorting out matters and restraining further violent actions from both sides. This, in a way, laid the very foundations of the entire track of Indo-Pak CBMs that witnessed a series of agreements and understandings on various occasions. However even when two sides agreed on numerous CBMs which included withdrawal of troops to peace time position, demarcating their line of control (LOC) as also the historical Tashkent and Shimla agreements, their political baggage of a violet partition had contained to under-mine their positive initiatives through CBMs in absence of mutual trust and understanding a whole pile of written agreements have continued to be vulnerable subjective interpretation & non-implementation. Nevertheless, the two have managed to put in place some of the most critical CBMs like their agreement on (a) prolulsition on attack against each others nuclear installation (b) operating a 'lotline' telephone contact between two prime ministers. In the evolution of Indo-Pak military CBMs it should he noted that the initiatives have received a boost since the late 1980's.Due to Sino-Pak-Ties the resultant success of the Pakistan's nuclear and missible programmes and Pakistan low intensity war in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir states and this has witnessed a major military excersise like India's. Brass tacks and Pakistan Zer-be-Momin. These excircises have drawn close attention of western media and western comementation revolution found these two countries repeatedly came closer to an open war with their crisis during 1991 and 1999 allegedty in evolving the possibilities of a nuclear exchange. The track-11 diplomacy has to some extent melted the snow of tension between the two countries by two prime Ministers India & Pak through their special emissaries Mr. Niaz A Naik and Mr. R.K.Mishra who had already carried out 11 round of talks "very Near" to a historic solution on military coup on oct 12, 1999. Through Indo-Pak initiatives' towards evolving CBMs enhanced mutual understanding and transparency between these two countries yet they remain dependent on political will and bold individual initiatives and remained as in conclusive as ever. The recent visit of India's foreign Minister Smt. Sushma Swaraj have again brought some hope of normalization of strains relations with Pakistan which was followed by Indian Prime minister Mr. Modi surprise visit to Pak Premier residence on the eve of his birth day and his relative marriage. This has added another feather in the cap of Prime Minister of India to create a good sense of understanding with Pak and a tough message to all other anti India forces hobnobbing against India in Pakistan that the two countries have transparent policy of friendship and good neighborly relation. It is hoped that India & Pakistan will have to fallow cordial relations setting aside all speculation of creating tension on IB and LOC and both the countries need to fight out menance of terrorism which is a global threat to peace & stability in the region. |
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