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International luminaries present work at Conference
2/20/2016 12:17:34 AM
Early Times Report
Jammu, Feb 19: On the second day of three days' International Conference on "Natural Resource Management: Ecological Perspectives" organized by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) of Jammu and the Indian Ecological Society in collaboration with Centres for International Projects Trust (CIPT), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), international Luminaries deliberated and presented their work.
The lead as well as oral presentations were made on various themes of the conference, namely, Land and Water Resource, Crop Environment Interactions, Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest Management, Forestry Tree Plantations, Horticulture Crops, Eco-responsive Livestock and Fisheries Production Policies for Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Industry Scientists Interface.
The keynote speakers during the conference were Padma Shri Chewang Norphel Ice Man of Ladakh, J&K, Dr. N.K. Krishna Kumar Deputy Director General (Horticultural Science), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi , Dr. S. N. Sushil Plant Protection Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, Government of India, Dr. Chanda Siddoo-Atwal Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Dr. Birgit Wilhelm, Consultant for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management World Wide Fund for Nature Germany, Dr. Keshav R. Kranthi Director, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Prof. K. Narayana Gowda Former Vice Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Dr. S. Dam Roy Director, Central Island Agriculture Research Institute, Port Blair, Dr. Nazir Ahmed, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-J, Prof. Bushan L. Jalali Ex. Director of Research - Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, Prof. Dinesh K. Marothia President, National Institute of Ecology,
Dr. Randeep Guleriaa Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Disorders, AIIMS and Abhishek M. Tripathi Global Change Research Center , Czech Republic, Dr Krishan Bir Choudhary, Dr. U.C.Sharma and Dr. B. Gangwar. Besides, Dr. Om Gouri Dutt Sharma, Dy. Director General at Doordarshan Kendra, Jalandhar also participated in the conference.
The conference deliberated on the development of an integrated approach for recognizing and implementing the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of resource management. Emphasis were made on developing location specific, cost effective, eco-friendly conservation and management technologies for higher input use efficiency, agricultural productivity and profitability without deteriorating natural resource base. The thread bare discussions were held on approaches to cancer risk assessment and carcinogenic potential for three classes of agricultural pesticide and green house gas emissions its impact on agriculture and mitigation strategies besides long term options for ground water sustainability in Indian agriculture. A separate session on public private partnership was also held in which Dr. Birgit Wilhelm, WWF, Germany, V. Vijay Vardhan, ITC Limited, Prem Prakash Saboo, RML, Jagmeet Bal, BASF and Dr. Anil Kakar, Excel Crop Care deliberated on various issues.
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