Early Times Report
Jammu, Feb 23 : Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Jammu Region organized Training Programme 'K V- SHAALA DARPAN' in the auditorium of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, for School Staff. AS Gill, officiating Deputy Commissioner, KVS (RO), Jammu inaugurated the programme. According to press release, fifty nine Principals, Officiating Principals and Incharge Principals and the same number of computer experts of all the Kendriya Vidyalayas of KVS Jammu Region participated in this programme. Four participants from Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, J&K State also participated in this training. The programme was meant to impart training the Principals and Staff for hand holding of Application of the Project KV- SHAALA DARPAN to enable to update the data of all kind of data so as to ensure its validity and correctness before port of the data in the application being used in the Vidyalayas. The programme was conducted by a team of experts viz. Rohit Raina and Akur Gupta from MGRM Net Ltd., New Delhi under M-STAR e-Governance LPATFORM. They explained and demonstrated the process of data processing. The participants applied the same during the programme. Speaking on this occasion, A S Gill said that the progra-mmre will help the KVS staff to work efficiently with accuracy under this programme of e- Governance platform. The things will be shared and can be accessed from one corner of the KV location to another and the offices of the KVS instantly to have any informative data through this programme of e- governance. |