Early Times Report
Kathua, Mar 21: A Joint meeting of Incharge School Education Officers/Lecturers Forum (ISEOLF) and school education employees co-ordination committee (SEECC) was held at Billawar under the chairmanship of Amar Nath Thakur State Chairman ISEOLF to discuss the burning demands of teaching fraternity, particularly the regularization of all cadres (Joint directors ,CEO's, Principals, ZEO's ,lecturers and headmasters)and KGBV/ReT teachers. Speaker questioned at length the expulsion of Amar Nath Thakur from SEECC by A.Q Wani and assured their full support at the state level. Yog Raj Singh , Babu Ram, Satish Datta, Rahul Singh Sambyal District President , SEECC Samba ,Tara Mani District President Kathua Parveen singh Gen Sec. SEECC Kathua , Mohd Rafiq Wani Subash chander Thakur Subash Sharma Master Hem Raj Lect, Mohs Salim Lect, Kali Dass Khushi Ram, Principals, ZEO's, Headmasters all assured their full support to Thakur in their address. Hundreds of officers, Lecturers, masters, teachers, RET/KGBV Teachers participated in the meeting. |