Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 30: The interviews/ viva voice of the candidates of the District Jammu who have applied for the post of Process Server and Chowkidar in pursuance of High Court Notification No. 337 dated 01.09.2015 going to be conducted from 12.04.2016. As per press release, the interviews will be held at District Court Complex Janipur Jammu at 10 am from 12.04.2016 to 17.04.2016. The interview of the candidates from S.No. 1 to 350 will be held on April 12, 351 to 700 will be held on April 13, 701 to 1050 on April 14, 1051 to 1400 on April 15, 1401 to 1750 on April 16, 1751 to 2130 on April 17. The candidates have been advised to bring roll no. and original documents along with them. |