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Hindus of Kashmir will not submit to Islamist fascism, says PK, rejects APD call
9/5/2016 11:50:56 PM
Early Times Report

Jammu, Sept 5: Panun Kashmir has decided to boycott the All Party Delegation visiting Jammu today. It is now amply clear to us and the entire nationalist constituency in Jammu that Government of India along with the state government is only making a pretension of meeting the nationalists in the state.
Addressing a press conference here today, Ajay Chrungoo, Chairman and Agnishekhar Convenor Panun Kashmir said that this can be clearly understood by the fact that 12 representatives of Kashmiri Pandits belonging to various organizations have been invited to represent before the All Party Delegation visiting Jammu today and the time allotted to all of them is between 2.55 PM to 3.3PM, which is just eight minutes.
How can 12 representatives representing different political parties and point of views be able to communicate anything coherent to the All Party Delegation in such a time?
It means governments in the state and the Centre don't want anything worthwhile to be communicated to the delegation. It is also well known in Jammu now that the decision to send All Party Delegation to Jammu has been taken belatedly and was not the part of the original plan.
We have come to know that the delegation is spending just a few hours to meet various sections of opinion in Jammu which again implies that the views of Jammu are not important for the governments in the state and the centre to bre communicated to the All Party Delegation.
To us it is clear that Government of India wants only the separatists and semi-separatist views to dominate the political discourse on Jammu and Kashmir. It means Government of India has a policy design to delegitimize the nationalist opinion in Jammu and Kashmir. More precisely it means Government of India wants to suppress the opinion of Hindus, Sikhs and Bhudhists living in the state who have been facing a relentless genocidal assault from Islamists.
We can no longer close our eyes to the stark reality that the fundamentalist fascist religious separatism in Jammu and Kashmir is not only supported by Pakistan but receives support from within India. We have no hesitation in saying that policies of Government of India treat nationalists in Jammu and Kashmir as liabilities.
Hindus of Kashmir will not submit to Islamist fascism. Hindus of Kashmir will never live in the servitude of an Islamic state. Hindus of Kashmir will relentlessly work to destroy internal subversion. Hindus of Kashmir will continue its struggle for achieving the Union Territory of Panun Kashmir north east of river Jhelum.
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