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Is Sri Sri Ravishankar emerging a trouble shooter ?
9/6/2016 12:04:39 AM
Following spurning offer of talks to separatists by ther All Party delegation Is the spiritual leader and healer, Sri Sri Ravishankar emerging as a trouble shooter ? It seems so because he has been since August 28 meeting two prominent Kashmiris who mean something for every Kashmiri. No doubt Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been brokering peace during turmoils that hit Kahshmir whether in 2008,or in 2010 or during any emergency whether that was in 2001,2002 and other years which means the issue of Kashmir and the welfare of Kashmiris are dear to him. After meeting Muzaffar Wani, father of slain militant Burhan Wani at his Art of Living ashram in Bengaluru, Sri Sri Ravishankar created further ripples by tweeting about his meeting with Dr Ghulam Rasool Hami, head of the Jammu and Kashmir based Karwan-I-Islami ostensibly on the "Kashmir issue".Hami's organisation, founded in 2004, describes itself as one dedicated to the ideals of "universal brotherhood, peace and unity among all people."
The Art of Living guru's outreach to both Wani and Hami is being seen as an attempt at some Track II intervention in the situation in Kashmir but is being denied by the Art of Living (AOL) Foundation. "It is not a government initiative at all, it is an Art of Living initiave," said a spokesman of the centre.So far,the Art of Living has not been approached by any government agency and whatever Sri Sri Ravishankar is doing or has plan for doing is his initiative Sri Sri Ravishankar's interest in the region as being of a long-standing duration. He was involved in the peace process in Kashmir in 2008, when there was an issue. Back then, he met with all the leaders. When there were problems in 2001, 2005, 2008, Sri Sri was personally involved and he met with Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq. He also held meetings with Hurriyat leaders and the Grand Mufti of Kashmir, Mohammed Bashiruddin. The spiritual leader had several dialogues with the Kashmiri Pandit community as well.
After the earthquake, for 6 years between October 2005 and 2012, The Art of Living ran a hostel for poor boys and girls in Srinagar for more than 150 children. During the same time, the centre got 100 Kashmiri boys to International Centre in Bengaluru and provided them with food, shelter, and education. Muzaffar wani,father of slain militant commander,Burhan wani,has explained that he had gone to Ravishankar's Ashram as he was suffering from diabetes. However, Ravishankar has claimed that he had a photo shoot with Burhan Wani and later discussed the Kashmir issue with regard to the ongpoing turmoil. Yes, the way Ravishankar knows closely prominent separatists,including Molvi Umar Farooq and Syed Ali Shah Geelani the Government should indirectly and secretly enourage him for reopening the channels of dialogue with these separatists. Once Ravish-ankar meets these prominent separatists he could buy peace which was needed for stopping the bloodshed and injuries.In fact Sri Sri Ravi-shankar could prevail upon separatists to stop giving calls for shutdowns and protest rallies which incite people to indulge in acts of violence.But there are some political leaders who are pessimistic about the success of brokering peace.There is no harm in giving him a chance.
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