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India has achieved what is called as Battlefield Justice
Sh. Nikhil Gupta10/3/2016 12:04:01 AM
In order to achieve Pakistan's physical isolation in Asia and the world the Indian governmental policy should be to break all cultural, economic and people to people contacts with pakistan and link it to a verifiable change in behavior by the pakistani government and its unprofessional terrorist army. Pakistan as a country discriminates against its own citizens on the basis of religion and oppresses its population and this discrimination against the Ahmediyyas, Christians, Hindus , Shia muslims , Sindhis , Mohajirs and Balochi muslims is part of its legal State framework. Pakistan and her people are hating India since independence in 1947 . Every time pakistan bleeds India and then starts talking about peace . In India also many articles start appearing in media about importance of peaceful relations with neighboring country . What kind of people are those who always take side of peaceful relations with enemy country like pakistan that is continuously bleeding India and Indians ? Many people say that India should maintain people to people contacts with pakistan and let pakistani actors and technicians work in Indian bollywood .Even film actor shalman khan has taken side with pakistani actors and technicians in bollywood claiming that these actors from pakistan are not terrorists . But who knows whether they are terrorists or not ? It is also possible that such pakistani actors are pakistani spies and come in India to vitiate Indian punjabi dominated bollywood . It is bad that many punjabi Indian actors bring these pakistanis to work in Indian bollywood . But this should be totally stopped because pakistan is following policy of thousand cuts to India . Pakistani terrorist army is coming from within pakistani population only . It is not coming from mars . Therefore we should not allow these pakistani people to come to India till the time pakistan changes her policy of hatred towards India and Indians and Hindus . Film actor Shalman khan can show his sympathy for pakistani actors in future when pakistan sheds her terrorist policy against India . Till then each and every pakistani should be viewed as terrorist or potential terrorist . Shiv Sena leader Manisha Kayande has advised Salman Khan to migrate to pakistan if he has so much love for Pakistani artists . It is good that Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPPA) passed a unanimous resolution appealing to all their members to "henceforth, not to work with any artistes, singers or technicians from Pakistan until the situation of hostilities between Pakistan and India subsides and the Government of India declares that all is well with Pakistan and India ". Henceforth Indian bollywood should not take film actors from pakistan . Even pakistani cricketers and former pakistani cricketers like imran khan should also be debarred from entering Indian soil . Recently this imran khan of pakistan has cowardly commented against India whereas when this fellow was in India then he was speaking as if that fellow was very secular . When such people go back to pakistan there they become highly communal . That is why all Pakistanis whether film actors or artists or cricketers should be debarred from entering India . Our country's respect is more important than these pakistanis .
The recent terrorist attack on an army camp in Uri that martyred 18 brave Indian jawans is another blunt and disturbing reminder of an immutable reality that we have yet to comprehend in its entirety even after 70 years and after countless terrorist attacks. Pakistan's penchant for malevolence will never change. Pakistan is kingpin of terrorism. If terrorism is included in olympic games then pakistan will win gold medals every year . In other olympic games it never wins any medal . For Pakistan terrorism is a celebrated and inalienable instrument of State policy that affords it deniability even as it unleashes mayhem and bloodshed in India and then shamelessly plays victim in front of the world . Pakistan is biggest exporter of worldwide terrorism but now people of India and rest of the world are not going to tolerate pakistan sponsored terrorism . Why these terrorists use religion in their dirty game ? Recently a muslim dharmaguru has requested all Imams in India to stay away from namaz offered to dead terrorists in India . This is a welcome step and should be implemented immediately .Whenever any terrorist is killed by our lion like soldiers in India then no Imam should offer namaz for that terrorist and also no burial should be given to that terrorist . May be after this step these filthy terrorists will stop coming to India to die here . Many such practices have been implemented successfully by Israel who is also severely affected by terrorism . Pakistan is a terrorist country where punjabi muslims are doing crimes on fellow Balochi muslims but India is a multi cultural and multi ethnic and democratic country where everything is done with discussions and consensus . Indian people are experiencing fruits of democracy and development whereas pakistani people are forced to live in nauseate conditions under corrupt and terrorist pakistani army that cannot say no to entry of American Drones in pakistan . American Drones routinely kill people in Pakistan . Pakistan is jealous about Indian democracy , Indian development , Indian stock exchange , Indian economy , Indian banking sector and professional Indian Army that is respected by all people of India . In 1947 India was lucky to have another Gujrati man who was also strong like a lion and who made sure that most of princely states joined India .These princely states were previously under the British rule and after lapse of British paramountacy in 1947 had to either join dominion of India or Pakistan .Unfortunately Sardar Patel ji was not allowed by pandita Nehru ji to directly deal with the case of Jammu and Kashmir . But now another Gujrati lion is at the helm of affairs of India and may be this time India will solve the case of Jammu and Kashmir forever by taking back POK from pakistan . The surgical strikes ordered under supervision of our PM has attained worldwide respect and recognition . The enemy i.e . pakistan stands cornered today with no country in the world ready to support it . Even the SAARC countries are not supporting it and many of them have refused to go to pakistan to attend a summit there . America has strongly rebuked pakistan for talking about nuclear threat . If pakistan or her terrorists ever dare to use nuclear weapon against India then that day will be the end of terrorist state of pakistan and geography of pakistan will be removed from the world map for ever . Pakistan is strongly advised to safeguard her nuclear weapons from falling in the hands of terrorists because now the whole world knows that the terrorists and pakistan is one and the same thing . If pakistan is wiped from world map then what will Jinnah think in his grave who in his greed to become prime minister created pakistan in 1947 . Pakistan should always keep this in mind before crying nuclear nuclear in front of India or the world . For India, the phase of pure restraint has passed and India has seen that restraint has failed to reform Pakistan or rein in terrorism. The most important piece of good news is that the Indian politico-military combine has finally crossed the inertial bridge and this time both millitary head and the political head are strong minded and willing to punish terrorists. The Indian army has sent a clear message to pakistani army that it is no longer business as usual . If you kill our soldiers then we will also kill your soldiers . The rules of the game have changed and a new game is at play . It is a pleasure to note that our lion army moved swiftly and launched surgical strikes to neutralize terrorists across the line of control inside pakistan occupied kashmir and thus achieved what is known as BATTLEFIELD JUSTICE .
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