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The Indian diplomatic victory in Heart of Asia conference
Sh Nikhil Gupta12/21/2016 10:40:43 PM
The 6th Ministerial Conference on Heart of Asia-Istanbul process of Afghanistan attended by leaders from south and central Asian countries adopted the Amritsar Declaration to focus on concerned countries to address terrorism and enhance regional economic cooperation.
The major issues of discussion were countering of terrorism to stabilize Afghanistan and providing connectivity to Afghanistan to strengthen economic activities and help the development process.
Attended by 45 delegates the leading topic of discussion was terrorism. The declaration recognized terrorism as the major threat to peace and security and demanded immediate end to all forms of terrorism. The conference called for concerted regional and international cooperation to ensure elimination of terrorism including dismantling of terrorist safe havens in the Heart of Asia region as well as disrupting all financial and logistical support for terrorism . The highlight was the address by the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani where he praised India for its unilateral military and economic support while simultaneously rebuking Pakistan for supporting terror groups operating in Afghanistan. His open comment to pakistan was that the money offered by Pakistan for its development could be better utilized by them for battling terror groups as unless those are eradicated no development can occur in Afghanistan. Any respectable nation would be ashamed by such comment but pakistan is a shameless country that kills her own citizens of Baluchistan , Sindh etc and also foments terrorism in neighbouring countries of India and Afghanistan .The Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in his address rapped Pakistan and accused it of launching an undeclared war and assisting terror groups like the Taliban .
Appreciating India's unconditional support for the economic development of war-ravaged Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani said the expansion of the key Chabahar port between India, Iran and his country was very important for regional trade and connectivity.
Ghani particularly spoke about India's assistance in the construction of Salma dam -- officially called the Afghan-India Friendship Dam -- that was inaugurated on 4 June 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Ghani in Herat province of that country. He mentioned that Indian support to Afghanistan to improve people's life is transparent with no strings attached . Ghani further said that the Chabahar port development project is very important for connectivity and commerce . India and Iran signed a bilateral agreement in May 2016 to refurbish the port on the Gulf of Oman that is expected to provide an alternative route for trade between India and Afghanistan . The conference was diplomatic victory for India . In all common platforms India raised the issue of Pakistan sponsoring terrorism but in most of platforms India's efforts were scuttled by China.
This was the first platform with Pakistan in presence that the statement specifically mentioned Pak sponsored terror groups operating against India. This should open eyes of China because China will also suffer in long run if she supports terrorist country of pakistan for some short term gains . China also has some regions that have islamic fundamentalism and at present China crushes such fundamentalism with impunity and with iron hand . I wish India India could that to crush terrorism in India . The In dian prime minister blamed Pakistan for the ills prevailing in the region and aimed to continue his attempts at isolating pakistan . By refusing to hold formal talks India has stated that the policy of talks and terror cannot go together . Indian policy makers conveyed the message that India is willing to continue to up the ante till Pakistan resorts to visible action in curbing known terror groups. This conference cleared the air on many issues. Firstly it indicated a change in regional dynamics. India has emerged as a key player in Afghanistan. Its support in both military and economic fields have made it Afghanistan's most dominant partner. Pakistan has not only been relegated to the background, but also been directly accused of supporting and fermenting terror incidents there. Secondly the adoption of the joint statement by all members directly stating Pakistan sponsored terror groups including the LeT and HuM was indicative of Indian diplomatic success. This statement indicting pakistan was passed in presence of staunch Pakistan supporters like Turkey and China . Thirdly the decision of India and Afghanistan to establish an air corridor by-passing Pakistan conveyed the message to pakistan and also to the world that pakistani geographical importance can be diluted.
Indian diplomatic victory and strong relation with Afghanistan has assured that the so called "deep state " of pakistan having bad ties with its western neighbor of Afghanistan would need to contend with handling two active fronts. On the eastern front there will be mighty India and on the western front there will be Afghanistan that loves India .
It is good to note that India and Afghanistan have very strong historical and cultural relationship and this relationship is not limited to the governments of India and Afghanistan . In recent past the Indian and Afghan relationship has been strengthened by the signing of Strategic Partnership Agreement in 2011. India's policy of deepening its engagement in the Afghanistan through economic reconstruction is a welcome step .
This policy has ensured that Afghan president Ghani is openly targeting Pakistan for supporting the Taliban and also appreciating India at the same time . This raises the question of whether New Delhi's engagement should be limited to infrastructure development or whether it should expand its relationship.
Lately India has signaled a small shift in its policy by delivering M-25 attack helicopters to Kabul. But it remains cautious about making larger overtures on security and is wary of being sucked into a never-ending war. Such caution is required. But it should not deter India from playing a bigger role in a country whose stability is vital for its regional ambitions and whose people traditionally count India as a well-meaning friend. As the Chabahar agreement brought together India, Afghanistan and Iran, New Delhi should work to bring together more regional powers invested in Afghanistan's stability and economic development.
Whereas pakistan counts on religion for relations with Afghanistan because pakistan is made by the hatred for non muslims but India counts on the practical and cultural links for relation with Afghanistan . Due to hate policy of pakistan sooner than later China will also leave that shameless country because sometime in future China will also come into conflict with islamic fundamentalism in her Xinjiang province . Now China is saving some terrorists of pakistan but soon she will realize the futility of such policy . In fact pakistan should learn from Indian democratic policy in which all people of all faiths such as Sanatan or Hinduism , Islam , Sikhism and christianity live peacefully and consider India as their nation in which they are born and have a duty to defend her against terrorist countries like pakistan .
The contents of the article have no bearing on any person or any organisation.
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