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Instead of SLWM focus is on lavatory construction?
Swatchh Bharat Mission implementation
12/24/2016 11:03:41 PM
Early Times Report

Jammu, Dec 23: National flagship programme Swatchh Bharat Mission (SBM) seems to be getting deviated from its main of making our cities and villages clean. Instead of focusing on Solid Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) in Rural areas , the Government seems to be more focused on construction of lavatory blocks across J&K which is affecting the proper implementation of this national flagship progrmme under which state is getting huge funding from the central government from last 2 years.
As per reliable sources the department of Rural Sanitation is constructing individual lavatory blocks and community lavatories across several districts in state , but the actual programme of Solid Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) is hardly been taken up by the authorities. Sources in Rural Sanitation directorate say that there is not even a single village across Jammu & Kashmir , where authorities are undertaking Solid Liquid Waste Management. A senior official in Rural Development department civil secretariat says that Govt is yet to appoint State and district level Consultants for this work and that is the reason this work is not being taken up in villages.
As per the 2014 Swatchh Bharat Mission (Grameen) guidelines the Rural Development Department (RDD) is being impressed to appoint a consultant in each district who will guide the authorities on solid waste management at village level. It is more than 2 years and till date not a single consultant has been appointed by J&K Govt.
Details available with Early Times reveal that objective of SBM guidelines (Grameen) is to bring about improvement in the cleanliness, hygiene and the general quality of life in rural areas. Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) is one of the key components of the programme.
As per SBM guideline every State is supposed have at least one Solid Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) Consultant at the State level and one SLWM Consultant in each District to guide the preparation of the SLWM projects for each Gram Panchayat (GP).
Guidelines say that assistance of Professional agencies/NGOs may be sought to prepare/ develop/test/implement such projects. The Project preparation, supervision and monitoring costs of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen).
"SLWM projects payable to such agencies may be made a part of the project cost itself. Maintenance costs for the first 5 years of operation may be made a part of the Project cost. SLWM projects can be made financially viable by dovetailing funds from other programmes and sources of funding like MNREGS, MPLAD, MLALAD funds, Finance Commission funds, CSR contribution, Swachh Bharat Kosh, donor funding etc. Funding from programmes of other Ministries and departments may also be converged" reads the SBM guidelines.
Once this demand is created, to ensure that the resources are used efficiently, SLWM is to be taken up in project mode for each Gram Panchayat (GP) with financial assistance capped for a GP on number of household basis to enable all GPs to implement sustainable SLWM projects. The total assistance under SBM (Grameen) for SLWM projects are to be worked out on the basis of total number of households in each GP, subject to a maximum of Rs.7 lakh for a GP having up to 150 households, Rs.12 lakh up to 300 households, Rs.15 to 17 lakh up to 500 households and Rs.20 lakh for GPs having more than 500 households.
Funding for SLWM project under SBM(Grameen ) is provided by the Central and State Government in the ratio of 75:25. Any additional cost requirement is to be met with funds from the State/ GP, and from other sources like Finance Commission funding, CSR, Swachh Bharat Kosh and through the PPP model. J&K gets 90 % funding under this scheme being a special category state like North Eastern states....
Under Solid and Liquid Waste Management, the following activities may be undertaken:
For Solid Waste Management: States are to decide the technologies suitable to their areas. Technologies identified by the Committee on Technologies may also be considered for implementation.
Collection, segregation and safe disposal of household garbage, decentralized systems like household composting and biogas plants shall be permitted. Activities related to maximum reuse of organic solid wastes as manure should be adopted. Such technologies may include vermi-composting or any other composting method, individual and community biogas plants.
For Liquid Waste Management: States are to identify suitable technologies. Methods adopted for management of liquid wastes may focus on maximum reuse of such waste for agriculture purposes with least operation and maintenance costs.
As J&K falls under special states , Govt of J&K has to only provide 10 % of the budget for Swatchh Bharat Mission (SBM). Other states provide 25 % of this budget and the programme is going on very well in majority of state in India. "The lavatory construction is not an urgent issue in J&K as there is no Open Defecation problem seen in villages across Jammu & Kashmir . Govt should instead focus on garbage & water body management in villages where water-bodies are getting contaminated by non biodegradable waste...." said Dr Ajaz Ahmad an environmental expert.
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