JAMMU, Mar 4: Division Bench of J&K High Court Comprising Justice Rajesh Bindal and Justice Sindhu Sharma while hearing two different petitions regarding improvement of medical facilities and the infrastructure in the then State of Jammu and Kashmir now Union Territory, observed that Court is not an expert body which can advice on the issues as to how medical infrastructure available in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has to be improved and in what manner, to bring it at par with the best medical facilities available and constituted a Committee of experts who will visit the Hospitals to examine the infrastructure, equipments, experts and human resource available and submit a report to this Court to proceed further in the manner so that best infrastructure is created. It was shared at the time of hearing that for treatment of many of the diseases, sometimes quite elementary, patients have to travel towards Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Delhi or other places. We should try to create the facilities where the patients should come in this direction. It will not be out of place to add here that few early hours in a Trauma case are quite crucial. In case proper medical aid is not provided, results can be disastrous. The committee shall consist of the follower members for Jammu Division Dr Yogesh Chawla, Retired Director PGIMER, Chandigarh, Dr Ravi Gupta, Medical Superintendent Govt Medical College and Hospital, Dr H L Goswami, Retired Principal, Govt Medical College, Dr Rattan P Kudyar, Retired Associate Professor, (Endocrinologist), Govt Medical College, Jammu, Director, Health Services, Jammu and Principal, Government Medical College, Jammu and for Kashmir Division Dr Yogesh Chawla, Retired Director PGIMER, Chandigarh, Dr Ravi Gupta, Medical Superintendent Govt Medical College and Hospital, Dr Kaisar Ahmed, Ex-Principal Government Medical College, Srinagar, Dr Showket Zargar, Retired Director, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Director, Health Services, Principal, Government Medical College, Srinagar. DB directed that both the Committees shall be headed by Dr Yogesh Chawla, Retired Director PGIMER, Chandigarh. Director Health Services, Jammu and Kashmir, respectively shall coordinate and work as the Member Secretary of the Committee. DB further observed that the members of the Committee have very graciously consented to lend their services for a noble cause, as they had been concerned with the medical education and medical facilities for the citizens for a long time. Service to the mankind is their motto. DB further observed that though we all know that a service provided by a doctor to a patient cannot be measured in terms of money, but still as an honorarium, we direct that the member of the committee shall be paid honorarium in terms of the guidelines issued by the Medical Council of India for inspections. All kind of facilities shall be provided by the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, commensurate with the status of the member of the Committee, who shall be given due regard. DB further said that the members of the committee are requested to visit the main Government Hospitals in Jammu and Kashmir at the first instance. They need to examine the current facilities available with regard to infrastructure, human resource and equipments in various faculties- departments. Wherever improvement is required recommendations be made for the same. If execution has to be in phased manner, the same be also suggested. If approximate cost is also indicated, the same will be of immense help. It shall be the duty of the Director Health Services Jammu and Kashmir to coordinate with the other members of the committee to find out convenient timings for their visit. DB further directed that all concerned in the respective hospitals are expected to render all possible help and furnish the member of the Committee correct data, so as to enable the members of the Committee to furnish proper report to this court. It may be kept in mind that it is not an adversarial litigation. The only idea behind is improvement of facilities to serve the humanity. Object is not to find faults. JNF |