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The need of information technology in modern city
A computer has the power to make studying an enjoyable experience
1/28/2016 9:13:15 PM
Rafiq Ahmad

Students need computers to fully understand difficult concepts like photosynthesis or nuclear fission. A computer with access to internet allows students the opportunity to research the subjects in a great depth and detail and the multimedia experience gives students an altogether enriched understanding visually graphic and life like.
Computer serves as an effective learning tool for students as far as academics go. It also broadens their imaginations and extracurricular knowledge or other interests like art, photography or music. This in the long Run, would leads to them becoming well rounded individuals firmly in control of their future. The performance of the students depends upon the level of interest alive & Computer can keep this interest alive what's more with education software companies offering education content which covers your Childers class syllabus comfort of their homes. They can take practice tests and even gear themselves for board exams. All this is in interesting visual based leaning from complete with animations, illustrations, mnemonics etc. Information and communication are the two key words that represent the global activity. The communications of the right information at the right time in convicent can cause new directions in Business, Research and industrial decisions. Information technology the device & technique used to store, Manage and transmit encompasses various technologies such as telecommunications, microelectronics. Information is vital resource in development of any activities of any society all our economic and social progress depends very significantly in the transfer of commercial, scientific and technical information. People in different situations require information on a subject in different forms and with different emphasis. The method used to collect and store the date process the date into the information and communicate all over the world is information technology.
The technology is revolution sweeping across the world. It is interesting to know that 75% of all information is generated in the entire history of mankind in last 30 years. The information age is changing the way the work. Some jobs are disappearing, others are emerging and still others are being radically transformed by Information technology and information based influences are felt in our education system too. Before it is over the information is revolution will have a profound and permanent effects the way we learn, our educational system was developed more than century ago to teach the students the basic facts and survival skills they would need for job in industry agriculture jobs they would probably held for their entire life. This modal for three reasons it assumes that all students learn some thing. The teacher's job is to pour facts into students, occasionally checking the level of knowledge in each student. Students are expected to work individually absorb facts and to spend most of their time setting quietly listing to their teacher. Information is vital resource in development activities of any society.
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