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CM's Grievance Cell is mere eye-wash
A toothless information providing agency for common people with huge load on state exchequer
Mehak 12/10/2016 10:17:49 PM

CM's Grievance Cell is a mere eye-wash and a toothless agency of which each and every department is making mockery of. This can be gauged from the facts of the complaint that I have lodged against STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION for a gross and serious corruption case done by the then MD Ejaz Iqbal and now supported by the present MD Farooq Thoker.
My complaint under complaint no. 62561 was lodged on 12-10-2016 as per the formalities of the CM's Grievance Cell.
This complaint pertained to a huge case of corruption and irregularities in the STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION in which 60 kanals of land along with mega superstructures valued in crores has been illegally and forcibly occupied by the STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION at the behest of the tainted, corrupt and incompetent then MD Ejaz Iqbal and presently the case is being shielded and being put under the carpet by the present MD Farooq Thoker under the grab that he is not aware of the case as such.
Whereas he has been directed by GAD VIDE COMMUNICATION NO. GAD(vig)4/SP/2015 DATED 10-07-2015 for sanctioning the prosecution of the serving Asstt. Manager Bhola Nath Sharma. Also the vigilance organisation has submitted its final report mentioning the huge volume of corruption and lawlessness which is prevailing in the premier agency of the government i.e. STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION which instead of acting as a supporting pillar for entrepreneurs is acting as a petty land grabber and blackmailer to the budding entrepreneurs of the state.
All the gross irregularities and corrupt practices of STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION has been clearly and categorically mentioned along with evidences as required by the standard grievance cell procedure vide complaint no. 62561 dated 12-10-2016 but despite of the SOP followed by grievance cell operatives, the concerned finance department unit of complaint redressal headed by the Additional Secretary T.K. Bhat has been deliberately and bluntly making mockery of the CM Grievance cell procedures by refusing any reply to the concerned authorities.
Complaint no. 62576 dated 14-10-2016 pertaining to the vigilance department is still pending in the CM grievance Cell despite reminders from the concerned officials to the vigilance department for providing the requisite information of the case to the CM office for redressal, latest first reminder being sent by M.A. Shah of CM grievance cell on 30-11-2016 almost 42 days after the lapse of 10 days resolving SOP of organisation.
Another Complaint no. 62578 dated 14-10-2016 pertaining to the revenue department is still pending in the CM grievance Cell despite reminders from the concerned officials to the revenue department for providing the requisite information of the case to the CM office for redressal, latest second reminder being sent by Zahir Ahmad of CM grievance cell on 21-11-2016 almost 33 days after the lapse of 10 days resolving SOP of organisation.
The officials at the helm of affairs are also not following the protocol and are using delay tactics.
The officials in the CM's Grievance Cell are too playing the game of "registration of complaints and reminders". The non-serious approach of the agency is only adding to the woes and misery of the aggrieved.
Complaint no. 62561 lodged by me was regarding a serious and grave case of corruption against STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION supported by my evidences provided by State Vigilance Organisation with CM's grievance cell. Almost after the lapse of 2 months my complaint against gross irregularities and corruption which has cost me my precious land along with mega superstructures at the hands of corrupt and callous officials of State Financial Corporation, my complaint has been shown softly "DISPOSED OFF" without taking any concrete action against the culprits.
Although I had already provided CM's Grievance Cell before hand the information along with proofs that State financial Corporation has illegally taken over my land along with mega superstructures on it but to my utter surprise my complaint was "SOFTLY DISPOSED OFF" without taking any action against the gross injustice I have faced so what is the fun of lodging a complaint in the CM Grievance cell for justice by bringing the gross levels of corruption directly in the preview of Hon'ble CM.
When this was strongly condemned by me vide my complaint no. 63133 dated 01-12-2016 in which I have categorically described CM's Grievance cell as a mere eyes-wash and a toothless agency, the complaint was again forwarded to the finance department for redressal on 02-12-2016
This shows that CM's Grievance cell is just a toothless information providing agency to the aggrieved without providing any redressal of grievance to the complainants.
The bizarre truth that prevails in the whole situation is that nobody is looking after the working of CM's Grievance cell which is the state's premier grievance redressal agency directly under the preview of Hon'ble CM. If such is the state of affairs in the agency directly under the CM, the condition of the other departments and their workings can be easily understood.
If such is the attitude and procedure of CM's Grievance Cell in handling a huge and prominent case of corruption, God have mercy on the complaints of people who register against the various departments of J&K Government.
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