Ramnagar suffers all around neglect, deprivation: Harsh | | | Early Times Report
Ramnagar, Dec 10: Alleging neglect and deprivation of Ramnagar constituency in the matter of development, Harsh Dev Singh JKNPP Chairman and Former Minister has called upon the govt. to appropriately and adequately address the developmental issues of the said areas in view of wide spread public resentment prevalent therein. He regretted that development initiatives launched by him in the past had come to a grinding halt with no action whatsoever to activate the derailed projects which continued to remain in limbo for the last around two years. Expressing grave concern over the pathetic plight of the existing roads, chaotic power supply system, dysfunctional water supply schemes, corruption plagued Rural Dev and Food and supplies Deptt. and staff deficient schooling system, Mr. Singh deplored that Ramnagar constituency once known for revolutionary growth and development had been relegated to the position of tail ender in the matter of development. He was addressing a huge public gathering in Ramnagar Town today. Strongly flaying the abandonment of work on the Rs. 15 Crore satellite university campus in Ramnagar, Singh regretted that the construction work on the project was stopped in January 2015 immediately after he ceased to be MLA despite 90% of the project having been completed. He questioned the non-initiation and non completion of the remaining 10% of the work on the said campus despite lapse of around two years. He regretted the non introduction of four additional courses in the said University campus approved by the University council by a resolution passed in 2013. He further questioned the fate of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) approved under the aegis of Agricultural University at Marta, Ramnagar and ITI complex at Kirmoo, Ramnagar during 2012-13 for Rs. 11 Crore and Rs. 3 Crore respectively and deplored non initiation of any action in respect thereof during the last two years. Harsh Dev Singh, while addressing the gathering, expressed grave concern over the non commencement of construction work over the PMGSY schemes got sanctioned by him under Phase-X during 2013-14. He regretted that out of 27 road projects prepared, processed and technically approved by STA during 2013-14 under PMGSY at a cost of over 300 Crores, two road schemes namely Battal-Mansar-Barigarh and Kela-Dhara costing Rs. 16.53 Crore and 3.18 Crore respectively were mischievously deleted from the sanction list which had created a lot of commotion in the affected areas and sought an enquiry into the same. Urging upon the district and local administration to identify the officials responsible for withholding the payment of compensation to the farmers for lands acquired from them under PMGSY, Harsh called for stringent punitive action against such delinquents. Prominent among those who spoke in the occasion included Shiv Ram Sharma, Dev Singh, Capt. Vijay Singh, Pushpinder, Des Raj, Gian Chan, Sagar Dev Singh, Akash Kharka, Uttam Singh, Mohit Mankotia, Sunil Sharma, Meetu Sharma, Gurdev, Sohan Thakur, Ranjit Singh, Rash Paul, Satpal, Shakti Kumar, Mohan Lal, Anil Sharma, Baldev Singh besides others.