Early Times Report jammu, Dec 12: A traffic police naka somewhere in Jammu region has proved to be the major source of collecting bribe money from truckers, bus operators and other vehicles. Estimated over Rs 14 lakh are generated every month. "The proceeds are shared by the field officers at the higher level," police sources alleged. "It is not that easy to get a posting at this naka. Inspectors and other ranks have to bribe the authorities concerned for a posting of three months. In certain cases, the period of posting can be extended to five months or so," sources alleged. Hundreds of vehicles cross this naka every day. "There are different rates for different vehicles. Without paying to the traffic cops, no vehicle can cross this naka. In a way, it is mandatory for all the vehicle operators to pay at this naka," sources alleged. "Big transport companies don't have to pay every day. They are required to pay a fixed bribe money at the end of every month to avoid harassment to their truckers. This way, the cops collect nearly Rs 50,000 a day, but the total collection comes around Rs 14 lakh a month," sources added. The naka falls under rural traffic police. Since all in traffic police aspire to get a posting there at least once in their service career, many get their names recommended by ministers and senior officers at PHQ. "Bribe money is taken in advance from those willing to get a posting at the naka," sources alleged, saying that traffic police officers had also engaged some local youth to make collections from vehicle operators on their behalf. |