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2 lakh arrest warrants issued in JK every year
Bihar, Jharkhand far better
12/12/2016 11:22:24 PM
Peerzada Ummer
Early Times Report
Srinagar, Dec 12: The Crime rate in J&K is not descending at all. According to latest figures, as many as 2,28,300 people were arrested in just one year in the state.
As compared to other states, J&K continues to remain among the top states wherein much larger number of arrests has been made.
Figures issued by government of India's Home Department say that Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Jharkhand and others are behind J&K in terms of arrests made in one single year of the persons found involved in crimes of various nature.
The figures reveal that in one year, 228,325 number of cases were received and arrest warrants were issued. The bailable warrants were issued against 25675 number of people while 58124 persons were found with non-bailable offences.
Records reveal further that summons were issued against 22264 number of people in one single year in J&K while under the head of 'Other Processes' there are one lakh, twenty two thousand, two hundred and sixty two cases registered.
The number of people against whom processes were served are one lakh ninety two thousand and ninety four. The number of cases that are pending in Jammu and Kashmir which have been bundled in the category of 'Unserved Cases'. The number of such cases are 36321.
As far as other Indian states are concerned, Arunachal Pradesh issued 10473 number of warrants in one year while as Goa had 97402 number of such cases registered. Similarly, Jharkhand issued 181658 warrants against various offences in one year.
According to earlier findings, in Jammu and Kashmir a total of 22, 24,831 crimes were reported under Indian Penal Code against 21, 21,345 cases in the year 2009. Murder cases during the year 2010 (33,335) went up by 3 per cent as compared to 2009 (32,369).
Meanwhile, the voices of concern are being heard from every where in the state in which government's more pro active role is being pitched t0 put a lid over growing crime rates in the state of Jammu and Kashmir which is already bearing the brunt of political uncertainty since decades.
It is being pitched that the government as well as the non- government agencies need to work seriously to save the future generations from indulging in serious crimes.
It is also being felt that the government here needs to become more proactive, there is need of a joint effort from various institutions of the government, civil society and police to fight social evils and other crimes.
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