Early Times Report
Poonch, Dec 14: Deputy Commissioner Poonch Mohammed Harun Malik has taken a strong action against 66 employees of different departments and directed tehsildar Mandi to take action against absentees of Mandi last month. As tehsildar Mandi took initiative and called explanation for 23 absent employees, but the employees didn't take it seriously and remained absent continually. According to the report, on Wednesday during all working hours all officers were absent. Report said that only tehsildar, naib tehsildar and finance officer (Treasury officer) were present on Wednesday, while remaining were absent, resulting the common masses suffered a lot. Locals of Loran, Sawjian, Dana Dhakran and many hilly areas of Mandi showed their resentment over the negligent officials especially negligent tehsildar, who is not taking any strong initiative against absentees and said all is not well in tehsil complex Mandi. They further appealed to deputy commissioner Poonch Mohammed Harun Malik to make surprise visits to tehsil complex Mandi and take strong action against the irresponsible officers. |