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Villagers denied work, wages for months | MNREGA losing its essence in Poonch | | M S NAZKI Poonch, Nov 23: In sheer violation of standing norms and the spirit of the much publicized Centrally sponsored scheme under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) lakhs of people belonging to the labour class have been denied their hard earned wages worth over crores in Poonch during last over three years. The very purpose of the NREGS is being defeated in this State as those who need wages to feed their families at the end of day's work are denied their due for months. The results of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act scheme are discouraging as there is low level of awareness about the provisions of NREGA and how to demand work under this scheme. People of Mendhar said the wages under scheme were lower than the rates of wages which they get locally. People from scores of villages of MendharSurankoteMandi have not been provided job cards whereas the fact is that even the people who were aware of NREGA schemes have secured job cards but they don't demand work due to various reasons. Early Time have learnt from credible sources that the people who need work and had made demands for work under the scheme haven't been provided work within a period of 21 days as guaranteed under NREGA. Sources said NREGA in the state hasn't been able to provide employment during the winters which is season of employment for daily wage workers. Job card holder from Mendhar Fayaz Khan who works under NREGA scheme told Early Time that the coalition government of Jammu and Kashmir should take further steps to ensure that the wages are strictly paid on time as prescribed under NREGA, work is provided on demand and within the time frame. "The state government should make it mandatory for each Village Level Worker (VLW) to organize the meeting of the village community once in two months for formulating plans and their implementation under the scheme in the district" Fayaz Khan suggested. Another job card holder Hamid said that the State government must institutionalize the social audit under NREGA and for other schemes. Though it becomes necessary for the state government to look into the problems of far flung areas and the schemes which are being run so that problems could be addressed on time he said. Sources said the Government of India has already notified that NREGA funds can also be used for land development activities of various categories like Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), residents of Backward Areas (RBA) and Below Poverty Line (BPL) people Local said VLW prepare bogus lists and make fake withdrawals. |
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