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Flood relief to deaf and dumb man: SIC issues penalty notice against Tehsildar | | | Early Times Report Srinagar, Nov 23: The State Information Commission (SIC) has put Tehsildar Shalteng, Srinagar on penalty notice fordelay in furnishing information to an applicant on his son's damaged house. The information seeker was denied a two-page document (engineers report) which was necessary for the information seeker to pursue theflood relief case of his deaf and dumb son. The SIC has warned the concerned Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) aswell, who had failed to dispose off the RTI 1st appeal. Details available with Early Times reveal that Ghulam Mohammad Bhat aresident of TengporaBatmaloo, Srinagar submitted before the State Information Commission (SIC) that he filed an application under State RTI Act on 08.06.2015 before the PIO in DC office Srinagar. Theapplicant intended to seek details of the engineers report whichpertains to his son whose house was damaged in the 2014 floods. Afterexpiry of 30 days he did not receive any information and subsequentlyhe filed first appeal before First Appellate Authority (FAA) in theoffice of Deputy Commissioner Srinagar on 10.07.2015 and again noresponse was received from him. The appellant Ghulam Mohammad Bhat stated that the house of his sonManzoor Ahmad Bhat, who is deaf and dumb, was fully damaged in thefloods of September 2014; as a result of which Rs 12,600/- has beendisbursed as first installment of flood relief, but no further reliefhas been disbursed in his favour. The appellant had sought EngineersReport relating to house of Manzoor Ahmad Bhat S/o Ghulam MohammadBhat at TengporaBatamloo Tehsil Shalteng which was damaged in thefloods. Thereafter this aggrieved person filed 1st appeal on10.07.2015 , which was transferred to SDM (West) Srinagar by PIO inthe office of the Deputy Commissioner Srinagar on 27.07.2015. The PIODC Office asked SDM West Srinagar to dispose off the appeal interms of Section 16 of the Act, as (SDM) has been designated as FAAto Tehsildar Shalteng Srinagar. However, no order has been passed by FAA (SDM) concerned nor filedreply to the notice of the State Information Commission (SIC). Inresponse to the notice of the Commission, Tehsildar Shalteng enclosedinformation comprising of 2 leaves on 27.10.2015, but unfortunately,PIO/ Tehsildar has not bothered to sent this information to theappellant Ghulam Mohammad Bhat even after receiving the notice of theCommission (SIC) dated 03.11.2015. The information provided wasperused by SIC and it was found that two survey reports including thehouse of Manzoor Ahmad Bhat duly signed by the Jr. Engineer and othermember of the Committee was enclosed. SIC's order dated 18.11.2015 reads:"Tehsildar is directed to explain as to why penalty should not beimposed on him for delay in disposing of the RTI application, in whichthe information sought was brief and simple and should have been madeavailable even in the normal course. His explanation, if any, shouldreach the Commission within three weeks. The Commission has taken aserious note of the fact that FAA (SDM) has failed to dispose of thefirst appeal, which forced the appellant to approach the Commission. "The FAA is advised to ensure that appeals filed are disposed of withintime, else the Commission shall be constrained to initiate action infuture." |
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