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Mumlikat-i-Khudadad 'Pakistan in royal mess | | | M.M Khajooria
Pakistan Prime Minis- ter Nawaz Shrief must indeed be a terribly frustrated and desperate man these days . That after failing to find any takers in the UN General assembly for his convoluted and distorted interpretation of UN Resolutions on Plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir, he should have felt constrained to knock at the doors of a noisy but a ting fringe outfit like Dukhtran-i-Millat of Kashmir was proof enough. From Ban ki-moon to Ayesha Andrabi-what a fall. In his letter to Ayesha Andrabi he attempted to take moral high ground by asserting that "Pakistan did not consider the Kashmir Issue as a geographical or border issue " but a dispute over the implementation of the principle on which the formula of partition of sub- continent was settled in 1947.Have a heart Mr. Shreif. Need you be reminded that The Act of Indian Independence 1947 passed by the British Parliament mandated the partition of British India repeat British India alone. In fact the British parliament did not and could not legislate with regard to the so called Native States for want of jurisdiction. It was therefore open to the States to determine their future relationship with the new Dominions of India and Pakistan May you and your ilk be reminded that the Founder of Pakistan your Quaid-i-Azim Mohd Ali Jinnah had taken an unambiguous and public position that the Rulers of the States alone had the power to determine the future of their States.? As far as the legal position of the issue was concerned, the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir had legally, constitutionally and practically acceded to the then Dominion of India. This fact was recognized in the UN resolution alluded to by him. where under the vacation of all areas under Pak illegal occupation and withdraw of all elements of Pak Amy and attached irregulars was prerequisite to the holding of the Plebiscite . As these pre- conditions were not fulfilled no Plebiscite could be held. The ball was in Pakistan court and remained there. That the Shimla Agreement between the two countries did not make UN resolutions ineffective was another canard contained in Nawaz Shrief's letter. Of course it did. Article(!!) of Shimla Agreement reads as follows: (!!) That the two countries are resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS or any other peaceful means agreed upon between them." It should not be forgotten that the Agreement secured for Pakistan the release and repatriation of 93 thousand of her Prisoners of War from Generals to Foot Soldiers and return of chunks of territory occupied by the India Army at huge cost. By now It should be clear even to even the uninitiated that India has not and will never agree to any kind of third party intervention on J&K. It will only be appropriate to draw attention to the Indian complaint to UN Security Council dated First January, 1948. It may be emphasised that India approached the Security Council at a time when the Pak Amy Regulars and Tribal raiders were on the run. Para 13 of the Complaint read as follows; 13) In order that the objective of expelling the invader from Indian territory and preventing him from launching fresh attacks should be quickly achieved , Indian troops would have to enter Pakistan territory , only thus could the invader be denied the use of bases and cut off from the sources of supplies and reinforcements from Pakistan . Since the aid which the invaders are receiving from Pakistan is an act of aggression against India, the Government of India are entitled under the International Law to send their Armed Forces across Pakistan territory for dealing effectively with the invaders.' The Indian decision to approach UN, the third party at the time its Forces were advancing and evicting the enemy should be seen in the context of Indian commitment to peace and desire to avoid direct conflict with Pakistan when that country was still suffering horrible pangs of birth and struggling to find its feet after the terrible blood bath and communal holocaust that preceded and accompanied its birth. If India wished to destroy Pakistan and undo the partition, the Pak government had offered the opportunity and enough justification to do so. This was not being mentioned to score a point but to assure the people of Pakistan that India does not and never had any territorial designs upon her neighbour. And yes, the Shimla Agreement did open up a new chapter in the relations between the two countries and unambiguously mandated that the their problems and mutual concerns would be addressed only bilaterally and with no space for third party intervention . After Nawaz Shrief drew a blank in his endeavour to secure third party intervention on Kashmir issue, it was COS Gen. Raheel Shriefs' turn to put his "considerable" clout in US administration behind the push. According to briefing to media by US State Department spokesperson, Secretary Kerry met Chief of the Army Staff Raheel Shrief to follow up on some of the security related conversations that he had with Prime Minister Nawaz Shrief in October'. In a series of tweets, Pak army spokesman, Lt. Gen Asim Bajwa claimed that Gen. Shrief " highlighted" need for resolution of Kashmir during these discussions. The cat was, however out of the bag when John Kirby told reporters that "This ( Kashmir) is for the two parties to work out" Gen, Shrief thus returned home empty handed and deflated. By now it must be crystal clear to all and sundry even in Pakistan that there was indeed no scope for third party intervention on Kashmir. Pakistan establishment both political and military would be well advised to seriously and sincerely revisit their military and political doctrines that placed India as "enemy number one". It was in their own interest to shed the hostile irrational and unrealistic stance in dealing with India and approach all issues in the spirit of accommodation, reconciliation , and mutual interest In such an eventuality, India can be relied upon to respond positively. After all , we were one people belonging to the same country till the other day and share common, history, culture and heritage. This is the only way out of the royal mess in which the Islamic Republic of Pakistan finds herself today. |
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