Jammu, Dec 7 : RM Public school not only encourage students in academic side only but also in sports and co-curricular activities. Once again they bring laurel to the school. 34 students were participated in 12th J&K state Wushu Championship which is held between December 2nd to 5th in MA stadium in which 15 students got prizes 11 bronze, 1 silver, 3 gold. The winner of gold medal are Vanshit Sharma, Karanjot Singh, Jaskirat Singh where as silver medal was clinch by Harpreet Singh and VIren pandit, Prabgam Singh , Ashish Sharma, Ishveen Singh , Ishrat kour , Sumit salogotra, Udhay pratap, Rutvik , Saiyam Mahajan and Karanveer Singh won Bronze medal. Trustee RITA Mengi and Principal Ravinder Kour congratulated the students as well as coach Rajesh Choudhary. |