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THE CONFLICT OF FAITH AND DOUBT | | | Mahadeep Singh Jamwal
The outcome of policies of the present NDA govern ment is a conflict of faith and doubt. The people of the Nation while casting their vote, took the commitments of Mr. Modi, as of bringing back black money to India and deposition of 15 lacks in the individual accounts of every citizen, not joining hands with political parties running 'BAAP-BETI SARKAR' and 'BAAP BETA SARKAR', bringing down inflations, the development agenda, slogan of 'SAB KA SATH-SAB KA VIKAS', corruption free country and not to consider the defeated candidates in formation of Government. These were the factors of faith, riding upon which the BJP Government came to power. But to speak of 15 lacks in individual accounts, just few Crores so for stand detected as black money. The soft spoken language of the refined BJP politicians under dynamic leadership of PM stand fully exposed as some of the politicians of BJP and even Ministers did not hesitated to use words against their political opponents such as 'Naxalites', 'Haramjadey' etc, during Delhi Elections and even more unparliamentary words in Bihar elections. This clearly speaks of some ruffian brains in the party fold (other parties cannot be absolved) No words, except to come to, rescue many Ministers of Central Government and State Governments, against whom many eyebrows have been raised, which gives another back track of pre election slogans of corruption free country. The defeated candidates have been accommodated (although there is no such binding) to lead the nation in the field of economy and education,( the pillars of development) again a back track of not considering the defeated candidates. The changing of name of ongoing schemes such as Planning Commission to 'Niti Ayog', Total Sanitation Programme to 'Swash Bharat Abhiyan' and so many others can these is considered as a change for better results? Although treaties with other countries can be of good results, but whether this generation will survive to obtain benefits? With regard to the scenario of J&K, some of the much boasted commitments were of abrogation of Article 370, a agreeable settlement of west refugees, settlement of Kashmiri migrant families, equitable development of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, to do away the discrimination meted out to Jammu region by the Kashmir dominated Government, granting of union territory status to Ladakh and generating sources of employment etc. These were some of the slogans aired by BJP, which causes this party to capture sizable number of Assembly seats in Jammu region. But after coming to power none of these important commitments are adhered. But the scenario emerged so for is totally just opposite the faith of people. The BJP to grapple and taste the power in J&K, joined hands, backtracking to the much spoken and hiked propaganda of 'Baap Beti ki Sarkar'. Much of the actual developmental activities announced are yet to see the light of day. The black topping of roads, laying foundation stones of lanes and drains, upgrading the capacity of the transformers is just the upgrading the facilities and not the development, which can be judged only, as how many villages falling under Backward area have been declared as out of the list and declared as developed. Increasing frequency of vehicles on roads is also not a development. How the mortality rate has decreased owing to medical facility is the development and so on. The Article 370 is nowhere in agenda now, and people are befooled by saying that let us debate on merits and demerits of the Article 370. No concrete policy is visible with regard to west Pakistan refugees and Kashmir Pandit migrants. The election agenda of equitable treatment and to do away the much talked discrimination to Jammu Division stand blasted, when the people of Jammu region has to take the path of agitation to restore the 'AIIMS' announced by the Central Government and easily thrown into the lap of Kashmir by the BJP ministers and MLA's. The sufferings of unemployed are increasing day by day, even now many of the serving community especially in the education department has adopted the path of agitation and fast, owing to the reason of bad policies of the Government. The imposition of air fare tax on devotees to Mata Vaishno Devi, called by many as 'Jaziya' are some of the methods of BJP coalition partner to do away the discrimination with Jammu region. If we will consider two sides of the same coin, we can easily come to the conclusion and one should not hesitate to comment upon Government in the centre as 'conflict of faith and doubt' and 'erosion of political might of BJP' in Jammu and Kashmir State. |
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