JAMMU, Mar 5 : On the directions of Governor N.N Vohra, the Labour and Employment Department has cleared most of the cases pending for the last 8 months. In a report for the period up to 25 February 2016, submitted by the Labour and Employment Department, 766 cases of relief under different welfare schemes of J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (J&K BOCWWB) have been cleared and an amount of Rs. 2.5 crore has been released to the Assisstant Labour Commissioners for disbursement. The sanctioned cases include 724 cases of Marriage Assistance, 4 of Disability Assistance, 8 of Medical Assistance, and 30 of Education Assistance in various districts of the State. Taking serious note of the cases which continue to pend before the Board, the Governor has directed Secretary Labour and Employment to personally monitor all cases and ensure against any delay whatsoever in future. |