Sir, Much water has flown now in Rivers Jhelum and Tawi, but BJP and PDP has failed to come to a decisive point, whether to re-stitch the alliance or to divorce. This speaks of the boggling situation for both the players. The first innings of this political match after Governor Rule in the State of Jammu and Kashmir was played by the BJP not to win it, but to get the power, of which they were deprived, as they had enjoyed it for the first time giving them space to taste the sweetness of power and the ways to amass the money by indulging into corrupt practices. These BJP players by fiddling with the political cricket ball composed of the political fabric termed as 'Falling Flat', 'Wriggling', 'Power Lust', 'Mockery Of Announcements', 'Dual Character', 'Total Surrender' etc distanced themselves from the common man and the BJP players expecting applause from the public got hatred and common slogans as 'BJP Betrays Jammu', 'BJP Out To Barter Jammu's Interest For Power', 'BJP Mysteriously Silent', 'People Reject Coalition', 'Retrospect Do Not Fall Flat', 'Erosion Of BJP' etc., and compounding all these feelings, it can be well termed as 'Throw Out'. The political ball of BJP was thrown out of the court by PDP players to get sixes on the strength of 'Transfer of National Projects', 'Revocation of AFSPA', 'Article 370', 'Special Financial Packages', and many more 'sops' in the Union Budget. Some indications were signaled from the top brass of the BJP, but these do not appear to take practical formation due to certain developments at the National level as what happened in JNU, where involvement of certain Kashmiri youths became an issue. Similarly the dual character of BJP was loudly and forcefully taken up by various political parties at the floor of the Parliament and in almost all debates on National Channels, about BJPs alliance with PDP in view of the stand of PDP at the time of 'Afzal Guru' hanging. After somehow re-thinking about alliance by BJP and no concrete assurance to PDP about his diplomatic demands appears to have given a terrifying situation to PDP as it also cannot remain isolated from power and now instead of earlier projections for re-alliance had subsided its demands and now propagating that it will feel comfortable with BJP if merely 'Modiji' at least assure that they will carry forward the earlier agenda of alliance. The crises of confidence prevailing both in BJP as well as in PDP have strong footing owing to the analysis that BJPs earlier slogans such as; Bringing back black money to India and deposition of 15 lakhs in the individual accounts of every citizen, not joining hands with political parties running 'Baap-Beti Sarkar' and 'Baap Beta Sarkar', bringing down inflations, the development agenda, slogan of 'Sab Ka Sath-Sab Ka Vikas', corruption free country and not to consider the defeated candidates in formation of Government, which all stand back tracked.. These were the factors of faith, riding upon which the BJP Government came to power in the centre and with regard to the scenario of J&K, some of the much boasted commitments were of abrogation of Article 370, a agreeable settlement of west refugees, settlement of Kashmiri migrated families, equitable development of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, to do away the discrimination meted out to Jammu region by the Kashmir dominated Government, granting of union territory status to Ladakh and generating sources of employment etc. These were some of the slogans aired by BJP, which causes this party to capture sizable number of Assembly seats in Jammu region. But after coming to power none of these important commitments are adhered. The compromise of BJP leadership in J&K with these issues and falling flat before PDP, on one hand shattered the confidence of Jammuties and on the other it gave a signal to PDP, that BJP is just power hungry and a party not loyal even to the mandate of the people in Jammu, how it can be trusted for its commitments for Kashmir and any of the commitments of this party for Kashmir is just to be in power with PDP. The BJP realizing that PDP earlier has thrown its congress alliance in lurch on petty issue and there by captured sizeable Assembly seats in Kashmir and it is expecting same treatment from PDP just within possible time owing to the reality conceived by PDP with regard to the erosion of BJP in Jammu at present, with their further degradation in coming days. Concluding we can easily sum up, that there are crises of confidence among BJP and PDP, otherwise both these parties are power hungry and desperate to form the Government to meet their own requirements and not for the people. Yours etc. Mahadeep Singh Jamwal 16/198, Udhampur. |