Jammu, May 7: Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Seva Dal today celebrated Birth Anniversary of Dr. N.S Hardikar, founder of Seva Dal. A function organized at JKPCC Party Headquarter Shahidi Chowk in the leading State Chairman Balwinder Singh Sambyal. Seva Dal leaders and workers paid homage to Dr. Hardikar. Sambyal paying homage to founder of Seva Dal said that in 1923, following the Flag Satyagraha at Nagpur, many activists of the Congress were arrested and sentenced to prison. Unable to tolerate the rigors of prison, most of them tendered written apologies to the colonial authorities. However, members of the Hubli Seva Mandal, founded by N. S. Hardikar refused to yield. This uncompromising stance gained the attention of the Congress' national leadership that had gathered in Nagpur to participate in the satyagraha. It was here that the idea of establishing an organisation of volunteers to combat the Raj was born.