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3 yrs on, work on tertiary care cancer hospitals for Handwara, Kishtwar, Udhampur yet to start | Cancer institutes at Jammu & Srinagar also fail to take off | | Asif Iqbal Naik Early Times Report Jammu, May 7: Even after more than three years after the UPA II government accorded sanction for two cancer institutes at Jammu and Srinagar along with tertiary cancer hospitals at Handwara, Kishtwar and Udhampur, the work on these hospitals is yet to be started. As per the details available with Early Times,the Ministry for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India on 12-2-2015 accorded sanction for release of Rs 47.25 Crores as 1st instalment of Government of India share as Non-Recurring Grants for creation of Capital Assets (Plan) to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir for establishment of two Cancer Institutes at Jammu and Srinagar as well as for Tertiary Cancer Care Centre at Handwara (Kupwara), Kishtwar and Udhampur, but even after the liberal approach of the union government, the state government in Jammu and Kashmir fails to take up the projects in hands despite availability of funds, besides causal approach of State government, the concern District administration at fails to complete the formalities with regard to completion of various paper works that further delayed the implementation of these prestigious health projects. Any further delay on part of the state government in implementation of these health projects could land these sanction projects in trouble due to escalating cost of these project. As per the documents available with "Early Times", in an official communication to Principal Accounts Officer (Compilation Section), Ministry of Health & family Welfare, the government directed him to release Grant in aid to Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura Srinagar for setting up State Cancer Institute under Tertiary Cancer Center Scheme of National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke during 2014-15. It includes Low end LINAC, 4D CT Simulator, Intra operative Radiotherapy System, Infrastructure for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Theatre Equipments, PET CT Cyclotron, Pathology equipment, MRI (1.5 Tesla), Endoscopic Ultrasound and other equipments. In another Communication Dated 16-09-2014 to Joint Director (P&S), Health and Medical Education Department Government of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Secretariat Srinagar sent by Director (NCD) Rajeev Kumar in response to letter No. HD/Plan/15/07-II dated 14-08-2014 informed the government of Jammu and Kashmir about the terms and condition for signing of MoU with regard to Proposal for Financial Assistance to District Hospital Kishtwar as Tertiary Care Cancer Centre under strengthening of Tertiary Care Cancer Scheme of National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke. "I am directed to refer to your letter No. HD/Plan/15/07-II Dated 14-08-2014 regarding the subjected mentioned above and to inform you that following documents are to be furnished in respect of the financial Assistance under TCCC Scheme---- (i) MoU is to be furnished, clearly mentioned for the period of validity under para 3 (ii)--- (ii) The proposal of Financial assistance under scheme is to be furnished along with State Government recommendations as per the format prescribed in part I, II & III of the Guidelines and (iii) AERB/BARC approval layout plan and approval letter is also to be furnished" read the GoI letter. In response to the GoI letter, Joint Director (P&S), Health and Medical Education Department Government of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Secretariat Srinagar in his communication to Secretary GoI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, NirmanBhawan, New Delhi dated 14-08-2014 submitted a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for financial assistance under TCCC Scheme for setting up of Tertiary Care Cancer Centers in the State of Jammu and Kashmir at District Hospital Handwara (Kupwara), District Hospital Udhampur and District Hospital Kishtwar. Similar communication was exchanged for establishment of TCCC at District Hospital Udhampur dated 19-09-2014 and for Handwara Dated 19-9-2014. The communication was in response to the letter No. D.O. FTS.65021/2014 dated 4-03-2014 wherein the government of India in its communication to Gazanfar Iqbal, the then Secretary to Health and Medical Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir accorded sanction for establishment of three TCCC at Handwara, Kishtwar and Udhampur. "Please refer to our last letter dated. 17-2-2014--- it has now been decided that in addition to the State Cancer Institute, as per aforecited letter, assistance will also be provided for setting up of three TCCC at District Hospital at Kupwara, Kishtwar and Udhampur respectively--- you are requested to take further action as per guidelines of the said scheme already made available to the state government" read GoI communication to State Government. Though at initial stage the UPA II in 2013 agreed to provide only Tertiary Care Cancer Centre each at Jammu and Srinagar, but later agreed to provide full fledged Cancer Institution at Srinagar and Jammu while at the same time agreed to provide three Tertiary Care Cancer Centers at Handwara, Kishtwar and Udhampur. In its communication to Secretary to Health and Medical Education, Government o Jammu and Kashmir, Anshu Prakash a senior officer in Union Health Ministry communicated the decision of Union Government to State government with regard to the centers decision. "Please refer to our earlier D.O.No T.20015/3/2013-NCD (CR) dated 19-12-2013 regarding establishment of Tertiary Care Cancer centers at Jammu and Srinagar---- the matter has been reconsidered and it has now been decided that instead of one TCCC each at Jammu & Srinagar, two State Cancer Institute's (SCIs) will be set up in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. One Shall be set up at Government Medical College, Jammu and the other one at Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences Srinagar" read the union government communication to Secretary Health and Medical Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir added that the said SCIs are in place of the TCCC at Srinagar and Jammu proposed earlier for J&K State and told the Secretary Health and Medical Education Government of Jammu and Kashmir to convey the concurrence of the State Government and send detailed proposal accordingly in accordance to the guidelines of the scheme. |
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