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Mehbooba Mufti takes fundamentalist disruptionists head on | | | M.M.Khajooria CM Mehbooba Mufti has spoken. And spoken with rare clarity, courage of conviction, integrity , and forthrightness. These attributes have sadly become almost extinct in our political class. In her reply to the discussion on Governors' address in the Legislative council the other day , She assailed Separatists and militants for doing disservice to Islam by stone pelting every Friday and killing innocent people. "These people have given a bad name to religion of Islam. Pelting stones and slitting throat with a knife is no Islam..". "Our Islam is the one that came to us from Shah- e-Hamdan and Nund Rishi" Referring to Friday ritual of Pak/ISIS flag waving and stone pelting she said "Once upon a time, Muslims used to wait with reverence for Friday and would enthusiastically participate in the congregational prayers. Now no respectful person dares to go to a mosque on Friday. He thinks forty times before going to a mosque .He does not know whether his clean outfit would be spoiled or a stone would hit his head and kill him .These people have turned 'Juma Mubarak' into 'Pather Mubarak'. J&K being a Muslim dominated state, the people here , could tell the whole world what actually is the religion of Islam." "we can tell them , this is no Islam to pick up a knife and slaughter the human being while reciting Alah-0- Akbar" she added.' The credit for the spread of Islam in Kashmir in 14 centaury which attracted - the King, his nobles and common people alike goes to Ameer Kabir Syed Ali Hamadani, an Islamic missionary from Central Asia He preached equality, justice and unity of man kind. He was also affectionately and reverently called Shah Hamadan. The sociological and spiritual impact of three contemporaries spritual stalwarts, Shivite mendicant Lal ashshwari , Ameer Kaber Hamadani and Baba Noor Din Noorani , founder of Rishiyat on the Kashmir society was enormous and enduring. The synthesis of Sufiism and the mystical Shivaism propounded by Lal Ded and Sheikh Noor Din Noorani ruled the hearts and minds of the people till today The composite faith left no space for the religious fanaticism Sheikh Noor Din Noorani, the patron saint of Kashmir preached "One who prides himself in his caste is bereft of reason and wisdom. In this world only the good can claim true noble descent, and in the hereafter caste has no meaning . Were you to understand Islam truly, you would never boast about your caste. What use is there in priding yourself in your caste? For, when death overtakes you, your bones will be ground to dust" On a mundane plane he said "Ann poshi teli yeli wann poshi" ( 'Food will last as long as forests last'). This has become his most often quoted saying in contemporary context. And Lal Ded sang thus: "Shiv Chuy Thali Thalirozan Mo Zan Hindi Ta Musalman Truk Ay Chuk Pan Panun Parzanav So Chay Sahib As Sati Zany Zan. (Shiva is omnipresent; do not segregate Hindu from Musalman. Utilize your senses for self-recognition; that is the true path to reach God). Their messages of universal love deeply ingrained in the psyche of Kashmiris rejected any kind of religious bigotry and social discrimination and promoted the unity of mankind and love for all humanity ' The philosophy and practices of Islam to which Mehbooba Mufti alluded were today under grievous threat from obscurantist and fanatic Salafis operating under the flag of Jamiat Ahel Hadith . Flush with unlimited funds flowing from different sources- foreign as well as national/local through all kinds of channels and backed by Gun totting' Mujahids' Ahil-Hadith have taken steady , strong an speedy strides. Established in 1946, it was registered as non-political religious organization in 1958. "The jamait-Ahil Hadith has been growing by leaps and bounds since its establishment" boasted Abdul Rehman Bhat, General Secretary of Jamait AhelHadith." "A decade back we had 150 mosques and thirty schools. The total number of membership of the organization was 2000-3000 Today we manage 700 mosque and 150 schools and membership has gone to 1,500000." So as to leave no doubt about their international affiliation he declared "We are running two Trusts, -the Sulfiaim Educational and Research trust which manage Educational programmes and the Waqf Tanzeem Trust that looks after the mosques and the organization" ." These figures pertain to 2014 and could not be updated. Undoubtedly the Aheli Hadith are on the upswing in Kashmir . Their reach , sources suggest extend to the sate apparatus through conversions of officials not excluding those occupying high positions . This should be a matter of concern. On the ground, their mosques are architecturally superior, well maintained and equipped with variety of high quality 'and made easy' literature .Their Imams are well paid and their ever warm 'Hamams' attract lot of people in winter in search for cozy corners. The 'Etqadi; mosques and Ziarats in comparison generally suffer from neglect, are badly maintained and their Imams poorly paid. Auqaf-i-Islamia has become a dumping ground for retired and unwanted politicians lacking the much needed missionary zeal , enthusiasm and efficiency with which drove Salfi Trust people and their ground level functionaries . The lethal combination of Salafi fanaticism and terrorist gun in open support of the Jamiat and the central and State governments looking the other way , the Imams of the mosques and MUTWALIS of Ziarats are a frightened and harassed lot . They appear to have mostly retreated into their shells to avoid any confrontation leaving the field open for Salafi zealots. The Jamiat Ahil Hadith onslaught in Kashmir has two broad dimensions. Firstly, the Wahabi/ Salafi cult they preach is the ideological bed rock of Pan Islamist terrorism. In fact, strategic deployment of the Jahadi Gun in aid of the Cult Pulpit was integral to the very Scheme of furthering the cause. In a conflict situation like the one obtaining in Kashmir this combined significantly titles the balance in favour of the Jamiat and puts Etqadees to great disadvantage . The attitude of the state and central governments is "explained" by the canard that in a secular democratic dispensation they have no role in "religious affairs". It is conveniently forgotten that our constitution guratees freedom of religion to all which mandates that the governments must maintain and sustain a level playing feild. Every citizen should be free to pursue and practice his/her particular faith without fear hindrance and pressure from any source. This is exactly what the state and central government have failed to do in Kashmir. As a result 'the freedom' nay the licence to preach and practice their version of religion that Ahil iHadith exercise is not available in equal measure to others not on the same page, a situation unacceptable and intolerable. The theological arena has also to be insulated from meddling , pressure and fear of the terrorist gun. This is where the role and responsibility of the state and its law enforcement agencies / security forces becomes critical. Secondly. The scrutiny and accountability of sources , quantum and channels of funding and the mode and the purpose of their utilised by the Jamiat. The 'preachings' by the Jamiat and widespread distribution of its propaganda material also available in abundance in Mosques and Madarsas has to be evaluated In the context of the prevailing conflict situation and the frightening mix of Jehad and preaching of Salafi cult. Obviously, the Hawala channels must be choked and illegitimate local/ foreign funding frozen. The funds received t through legitimate foreign sources, it should be ensured are spent for the purpose for which these are meant well within the ambit of its constitution as approved at the time of registration. It is for the Auqaf Trust and other similar fora including credible NGOs to put their heads together to find ways and means of ensuring proper and regular maintain ace, up gradation of Etqaadi mosques and Madarsas,appointing properly paid Imams and Mutwalees of requisite calibre well versed in Etqaadi phioshpy and practices .All this and more needed to be concretised on top most priority The Shaikh-ul-Alam Chair in University of Kashmir must aim at becoming the hub of global focus on the philosophy and teachings of Sheikh-ul-Alam There may be need fora fresh look at the personnel and facilities presently available. It goes without saying that only those believing and practicing the Rishiyat and imbued with requisite missionary zeal can be expected to match the Ahali Hadith campaign. .A calendar of activities for the current year must be drawn so as to host at least two International seminars./ Workshops on one of the most prominent scholars and Du'ah of Kashmir who used his poetry as tool to spread the true knowledge of Islam . And as CMMehboba Mufti put it "Tell the whole world what actually is the religion of Islam". This is not going to be easy but can be done. With her active and sustained involvement , through a well designed mechanism she may succeed in translating her vision in to reality and significantly contribute in changing the prevailing negative image of Islam and Muslims. |
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