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Govt teachers take private tuitions in Basholi, authorities in slumber | | | Akshay Azad Jammu, June 12: Under the nose of authorities of School Education department, private tuitions has been going on unabated in Basohli town, with teachers, lecturers of various schools including Model Higher Secondary Basohli also in the race to make money. The Directorate of School Education had issued an order, banning all type of tuitions by the government teachers, lecturers either in home or anywhere and few days back a teacher posted in Udhampur district was also placed under suspension for violating the order, who was caught during a raid by a team. Sources said that several government teachers and lecturers, posted in various areas of Basohli town have been engaged in private tuitions in their homes. "Moreover the lecturers working in Model Higher Secondary School Basohli are not behind in the race to make more money by giving tuitions", sources said, adding that in Basohli town, the lecturers of Medical and Non Medical subjects could be found giving tuitions. They further said that long queues of students could be seen outside the house of these lecturers, who have been giving tuition classes to students of Matriculation as well as Senior Secondary classes. "These teachers influential and they manage to retain their posting in Basohli town", sources said, adding that one such teacher was recently transferred from Basohli, but enjoying strong political links, he managed modification of his transfer order, within a week. Sources further said that government had also instructed all the Principals of schools to take an affidavit from all the teachers and lecturers, with a confirmation that they would not give private tuition, but so far such affidavit has not been taken from the teachers in any school as well as Model Higher Secondary School Basohli. Principal of Model Higher Secondary School said that he was unaware about the matter but would investigate the issueon Monday. On being asked about the affidavit taken by him from teachers, he said that so far the affidavits have not been taken. He further said that the copies of order, banning private tuition has already been given to the teachers and the affidavit would be taken, soon the new session would start. Chief Education Officer Kathua, Balbir Singh said that he had received some reports and had also taken affidavits from some of the teachers. He further said the situation was not so much worrisome and he had already constituted a team of three comprising Deputy CEO, Principal and a Lecturer, to look into the matter and soon raids would be conducted. |
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