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Now SIC directs for removal of encroachment | Tehsildar throws DC's orders into bin | | Early Times Report Srinagar, June 19: The State Information Commission (SIC) has issued direction to Revenue department authorities for removal of encroachment on Kah charai land in Malbagh area of Srinagar. The said land was encroached by some locals and orders were already issued by the Deputy Commissioner Srinagar for removal of these encroachments. The orders of the Deputy Commissioner were not implemented by Tehsildar concerned and the aggrieved party then sought status of implementation of DC's order under RTI. The information was again denied and the case finally landed in State Information Commission. Details available with Early Times reveal that one Sheikh Ghulam Qadir S/o Sheikh Ghulam Mohammad R/o Malbagh Srinagar filed an application under RTI Act to know the status of implementation of DC's oders vis a vis removal of encroachment of Kah Charai at Malbagh area. Deputy Commissioner Srinagar had directed Tehsildar Eidgah Srinagar to remove the illegal encroachments on Kah Charie land falling under Survey No.443 and 444 of the estate Baghat e shora Malbagh Srinag. It is alleged that Tehsildar Eidgah failed to furnish the information within the prescribed period fixed under RTI Act. The complainant prayed before the State Information Commission (SIC) that action may be taken against the Tehsildar Edigah/Naib Tehsildar concerned and penalty may be imposed on them as per the provisions of the Act. During proceedings in the State Information Commission (SIC) on 17.05.2016, the Commission observed : "In the RTI application filed before PIO/Tehsildar Eidgah, information `seeker has sought information regarding steps taken by Tehsildar Eidgah and Naib Tehsildar concerned with regard to removal of encroachments under survey numbers 443 & 444 at Estate Bagat Shooru as desired by the Addl. Deputy Commissioner Srinagar vide communication dated 03.11.2015 and 12.12.2015. The letter dated 01.11.2015 referred to in the RTI application has been issued by ADC Srinagar to Tehsildar (East) Srinagar with directions to constitute a team of officers/officials and implement the court order in letter and spirit to remove encroachment (if any) on the Kahchari land and intimate action taken accordingly. Tehsildar (East) submitted that vide order dated 52/OQ/TEQ dated 19.04.2016, a team of officers/officials have been constituted for removal encroachments in Khasra numbers referred to above. Although the Tehsildar has marked copy of this order to the Commission, copy of the said order has not been sent to the information seeker. Tehsildar submitted that Committee has submitted the report. Appellant requested the Commission for adjournment, as he is outside the state. SIC order dated 31.5.2016 reads as : "In view of the above, the case is adjourned with the directions that PIO/Tehsildar Eidgah shall send a copy of order dated 19.04.2016 and report of Committee to the information seeker within one weekand file compliance report". During proceedings in the Commission, Tehsildar Eidgah attended the hearing and submitted that Naib Tehsildar has furnished list of encroachers. Further, PIO approached SSP Srinagar for demolition of illegal encroachment at Malbagh Srinagar vide letter dated 23.05.2016, copy of which is marked to the information seeker/complainant. SIC order further reads as : "In view of the above, Commission directs PIO to comply with the directions already passed on 17.05.2016 and send copy of order dated 19.04.2016 and report of Naib Tehsildar along with list of encroachments to the complainant within one week from receipt of this order. With the above directions, the complaint filed before the Commission is disposed of" |
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