Early Times Report
Jammu, Dec 23: Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha under the Presidentship of Vinod Kr. Gupta, President celebrated the 126th Birth Anniversary of Justice Mehar Chand Mahajan who was 1st Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir State and Chief Justice of India at Justice Mehar Chand Mahajan Park Gandhi Nagar. Among other prominent Mahajan dignitaries Rajesh Gupta, (MLA Jammu East), I.C. Jandial, Jugal Mahajan, Rattan Lal Gupta (Ex MLC), Prem Gupta (Retd. IGP), Rajinder Gupta SSP Railway, Varender Gupta (Retd. Secretary), K.B. Jandial, Amar Chand Gupta and Dr Madan Gopal graced the occasion. The function started with Puja, Havan, and all the dignitaries present garlanded the statue of Justice Mehar Chand Mahajan. Vinod Gupta, President of Sabha highlighted the contribution of Jutice Mehar Chand Mahajan towards nation and J&K State in particular. He advised the Biradari Members to take pledge for day- marriage and without dowry. He advised the members to restrict to minimum Barat and avoid Cocktail system. Besides large number of Biradari members including women participated the function which include Rattan Hindu, Ram Charan Gupta, Ved Parkash Ji, Pawan Gupta, Bhushan Pargal, Dinesh Gupta, Pandit Dhananjay, P.C. Gupta, Sunita Gupta, Darshna Gupta, S.P. Langar, Krishan Lal Gupta, Chander Sheikher Gupta, Natha Ram, Om Parkash Gupta, S.K. Gupta, Krishan Gupta, Apali Gupta, Dinesh Gupta, Satish Gupta, Vijay Gupta etc. After the function, Parshad was distributed among all the persons present. While addressing the gathering senior executive member IC Jandiyal said reforms were need of the hour in community. He said Sabha has decided to honour community members and KB Jandiyal former PSC member, SSP Railways Rajinder Gupta and Sanjeev Pargal Journalist have been shortlisted for this year. |