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What is nation’s future if such opposition continues session by session?
Er. Jitender Kohli. 12/10/2015 11:28:19 PM
The Indian Constitution, one of the largest and best among the global Constitutions formed and implemented in various countries. The Indian Constitution is based on Parliament governance with the President as an overall controller if need is. From grass root to Presidential seat in service and political section the duties are entrusted. The political section is a policy maker to transfer their approved policies to the service section to implement. This is a democratic net work involving the national population to select and elect their representatives to carry their problems to the house to include in the policy program. The political Ministerial heads of the allotted service departments are liable to watch if the programmed policies are properly implemented. The chain of service class of the departments and the Ministerial office has a linkage through the secretariat block transmitting both way information programmed policy to the departments and departmental progress reports to the Ministerial section. The Political and the Departmental bodies have no direct link between their existences. The departments are headed by the qualified staff of their respective body; Engineers for engineering wings, Doctors for the medical wing, Revenue have their concerned qualified staff for office and the field, likewise for the security arms. This all is perfectly formed with the wisdom of future vision. But one is confused to find the British system of ICS (Indian Civil Services) renamed as IAS is introduced for the secretariat block which have no specialty in particular departmental field it is to head. This block is simply a postal section between Ministerial and departmental sections. Further perturbing and shocking is to find the Ministerial heads non-qualified in the field of the department it takes over for the policy making. The policy involves around technicality, financial, environmental and the political science to understand the global political atmosphere.
The proper shape of the democracy has filtered and fractured because of unintentional errors. As soon as the power of transfer happened between British and Indians, the Indians immediately dreamed for the democratic system by providing freedom to everyone. No doubt a good thought, but they error in delivering method. The democracy required stage by stage erection slowly but surely involving the masses. The service section, secretariat block and the Ministerial stages necessitate perfection in their respective field. The selection and election must have restricted initiation stage, the selection between the qualified persons in particular sphere, and the voter must be literate to understand the manifesto of the party and the capacity of the contestant. Had the qualified and true literate class reached as the policy maker the national status must have different and not clamoring to rise in the global stage. The corruption, indecency, betrayal to duty and the anti-national element must have not encountered. I remember during the era of Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad in this state a Minister, Mr. Sugami, illiterate, was holding the important departments. This is not the one and the only as there are many more at the national level.
Had the constitution makers debarred the monarchic families to join in the formation of the government, had they restricted un-qualified persons to contest, select and elect, had they planned the reservation system with a restriction to the family by one member availing the facility in academic education and by joining services treating that family in general category like other such status counterparts, had the reservation in technical education never extended as the lowest merit person can never prove to be a good doctor, engineer or administrator, had the voter community empowered for rejecting and recalling powers, this democracy system must have proved its worth to live with. Other countries of this planet must have honoured and worshiped the constitution makers and must have adopted this governing system at any cost. The religion and caste must have not perturbed the living of the society.
Presently the governing political parties are hooked with maximum demands on reservation, service, and business and controlled price index. These basic necessities have vast field to cover, the political parties are bound to struggle for their existence by winning the votes. Their complete attention and intention revolves around their own un-secure future in the political arena. This compels them to create comfortable future for themselves including their family's next generation. This has made them to centralize all the powers to the Ministerial offices. The transfer of a petty orderly of any department to the secretariat staff including IAS officers rests with the approval of the Ministers. To keep the secretariat staff in their humour a KAS officer is bestowed with IAS title, though he/she has not qualified it. Same way the universities bestow honorary doctorates in particular field whose ABC may not know to the receipting. Whereas the service class is to qualify departmental exams for promotion, no doctor is bestowed with a specialty title; no diploma holder is added with degree title. The promotion of the engineers is always expressed as placement of one AEE as Executive Engineer in his own pay and grade until his promotion is confirmed. Several engineers has to get their pensions in the AE grades as their placements were not declared as confirmed promotion to the next grade. This is simply to let the engineers run after the politicians for their pension and service records streamlined. Why the government fail in promoting out rightly instead of placing as in-charge in own pay grade to the next post? Are they doing it when a Minister of state is elevated to Minister, or any promotion in secretariat is done in the same pattern?
The entire system is shambled because of its poor vision in implementation at the initial stage as the founders never expected such low mentality shall develop in this system. They took the entire communities as patriotic, loving motherland and the best reformers of the downgraded society buckled under slavery centuries. Had they suspected a bit of it they must have formed the democracy system with other mechanism. Though the nation and the society has severely damaged in many field and sphere where an orderly is found with crores of black money/ property, the particular dynasties becoming proprietor of so called national and regional political parties forcing the masses either to walk like sheep flock behind them or to bear their hunting stink.
Frustrated society put faith in a change by forming new central government who claim to provide real democracy. It need a chance to work for the elected period is declined by the outgoing monarchic system who are blocking all the development program of the new regime in and outside the Parliament. Each day the parliament business is put to stall on one or the other flimsy non-issues by the congress led UPA revolving around one family to protect.
What is nation future if such opposition continues session by session?
(The author is a senior columnist, Ex- State Press & Publicity Secretary; VHP J&K State Unit can be contacted on -- jiten.kohli@gmail.com)
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