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Back to stone age is only mantra for ensuring clean air, noise free living | | | Early Times Report
Jammu, Jan 2: The new year had a beginning with the union capital's date with implementation of the odd-even formula for which the stage had been set by Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal. Is it possible to implement the odd-even formula for vehicular traffic in Jammu and Srinagar,the two capital cities of the troubled state of Jammu and Kashmir ? This question does not have any definite answer because of the climatic condition of Srinagar and on account of narrow lanes and roads in Jammu. This way Srinagar city used to have dominance of horse driven carts,called Tonga,and in the interior of Jammu city one had the amazing site of bullock or horse-driven carts moving from one narrow lane to the other. If one goes by a rough estimate one would find that there are more cars in Srinagar than any other city of the size of Srinagar in India as far as the population ratio is concerned. These cars have caused air pollution besides congestion leading to traffioc jams on the city roads.The odd-even formula cannot prove successful in Srinagar and in Jammu to the extent it was successful in the union capital The odd-even formula for vehicles to check air pollution got off to an orderly start in the Capital on New Year's Day, apparently helped by the fact that schools were closed and several people had taken the day off. People appeared to be voluntarily following the restrictions. Friday was the day for vehicles with odd registration numbers. Traffic looked sparse in several areas, even during peak hours. Several people were also seen cycling to work at busy intersections such as ITO and Akshardham. Thousands of Civil Defence volunteers, traffic police personnel, enforcement teams of the Delhi Government's Transport Department and authorised sub-divisional magistrates were deployed to implement the policy. Some Civil Defence volunteers were seen offering flowers to drivers violating the restrictions. And when the implementation of odd-even formula is out of question as far as the cities of Srinagar and Jammu are concerned what step the Government should initiate to check air pollution? The answer to this question is simple.Go back to the Tonga or bullock cart era.And we can see large sized horses galloping with female passengers in the cart. We see horses trotting over the city roads with old male passengers smoking and coughing. And if this experiment does not yield desired results let the Government make it mandatory for school and college students and those working in Government offices,with age ranging between 12 and 45 years,to attend the educational institutions and the offices on bi-cycles. Yes, how could a cyclist ride his bi-cycles while going from Gandhi Nagar to Panjtirthi ? How could a cyclist move from Tawi bridge to New Plot area because of the steep ascent ? How could one cycle on Srinagar roads with frozen ice over which cycles slip? And the only way out is to reduce the working hours in the educational institutions and in the Government offices so that students and employees get time to walk to the offices and educational institutions and return while footing the distance to their residences. Once it is done the cities of Srinagar and Jammu will be free from air pollution.The two capital cities will have less incidence of diabetes, blood pressure and other ailments as was the case 60 to 70 years ago. Yes, it may increase discomfort among those using cars even for purchasing vegetables. This experiment may increase discomfort among tourists visiting Kashmir because it may not be possible for them to make to Pahalgam or Gulmarg in a day on a Tonga or on a bi-cycle. If Arvind Kejriwal is keen to check air pollution he should help people buy power driven cars and increase not only the number of metro trains but increase their frequency also.Let Delhi have bullet trains moving in all directions. In the name of checking air pollution the Government is trying to violate privacy because young couples or lane lovers are forced to board either a metro or a bus or a Tonga. Plant more trees, ban industries emitting dark and foul gases,ban sale of diesel,kerosene,petrol,ban smoking even within the privacy of residential houses, reduce population on the pattern late Sanjay Gandhi had followed. This is the only way to check air and noise pollution besides congestion leading to traffic jams which results in the waste of precious time. Back to the old or the stone age is the only mantra for clean air and noise free cities. |
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