Early Times Report jammu, Feb 18: Notwithstanding the fact despite having unique distinction for among the list of most corrupt States across country but the anti graft body Jammu and Kashmir State Accountability Commission (JKSAC), which is empowered with suo-moto powers to take action in graft cases is running the show with merely half a dozen employees, against the total strength of 174, badly impacting it's working. Sources informed Early Times that as per Jammu and Kashmir State Accountability Act, the Commission has sanctioned strength of a total of 174 employees comprising 93 in administrative wing and 81 in under investigation wing. Under the Administrative Wing the Commission has sanctioned posts of 93 employees including one secretary, two account officers, P.A/Senior Stenographers-2, Section Officers 2, Head Assistant-2, Account Assistant-4, Senior Assistant-2, Junior Assistants-10, Computer operators/Receptionists-2, Drivers-7, Dispatch Riders-2, Jamadar-1, Orderlies-25, Home orderlies-4, Chowkidars-4, Sweepers-2, Gardners-2, Principal Secretary to chairpersons-1, two each posts of Deputy registrar, Assistant Registrar, Public Prosecutor, Assistant Public prosecutor, Judgment writers-4, Court officers/Master-2, Translators-2, Copyist 2. But against the sanctioned strength, JKSAC has presently running the show with merely one Deputy Registrar, one Secretary, one Stenographer and few class IV employees. Moreover, according to Act under the Investigation wing of SAC, there are 81 posts including Additional DG/IGP-1, DIG-2, SPs-4, DSPs-4, Inspectors-6, Sub-inspectors-12, Assistant Sub Inspectors-12, Head Constables-24, Police Clerks-6, Police Drivers-7, Technical Staff/Superintendent Engineer-1, Executive Engineer-2 posts. Sources said that according to Act the staff in the Commission has to be provided by Governor through deputation, direct or promotion in all wings of Commission. "Though Governor is empowered to provide staff but so far no such action has been taken, creating problems for the Commission to accelerate the process of investigation", RTI activists, anti-graft organization members said, adding that under such acute dearth of staff, it was very much difficult to run the show with pace. Various anti-Corruption forums, Associations, complainants have appealed Governor NN Vohra to look into the matter and issue necessary instructions so that complaints will be decided in shortest possible time. |